Paisley's Puppets

Maker Faire Bay Area 2018

May 18th-20th

Exhibit Craft

Paisley's Puppets makes bright and colorful peculiar puppet pals for playful people. Also offering custom puppets and people look-a-likes. All puppets are handmade in Oakland incorporating as many sustainable materials as possible.

Paisley's Puppets project image
Sarah McCaleb Maker Picture

Sarah McCaleb

Sarah, owner of Paisley's Puppets, has been crafty for over 20 years and now funnels her creativity into making puppets full time. After making her mascot, Paisley, Sarah realized she had a skill for making puppets. Her bright, colorful, and often whimsical puppets bring smiles and curious looks. She also takes custom orders for people look-a-like puppets. In addition, Sarah offers puppet making classes. Because she is also passionate about making puppets sustainable, many of her puppets are made with found, recycled or re-purposed materials.

San Francisco Bazaar Showcase Maker

Each year San Francisco Bazaar features hundreds of juried artists and designers. Shoppers can expect to find the crème de la crème of indie goods: handbags, pottery, letterpress stationary, silk-screened t-shirts, baby clothes, zines, posters, body products and more!

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