Remote Controlled Airplane
Maker Faire Bay Area 2018
May 18th-20th
A remote-controlled plane using Arduino Mini Pro. Also, the plane uses WiFi to communicate with iOS (iPhone, iPad, iPod) or Android-based devices. The plane is controlled by an App which can be deployed on any iOS or Android system.
Vyara Monova
Vyara is a 15-year-old teenager. She is passionate about making and traveling. She is originally from Bulgaria and would love to see the Maker Faire in Bulgaria. Vyara is a freshman at George Washington High School in San Francisco.
Young Makers Showcase Maker
Young Makers are innovative and creative young people who have been working on a youth-chosen, open-ended project to showcase at the Maker Faire. These kids come from maker clubs, schools, and sometimes garages from all over the bay area and the world.