Remote Controlled Airplane

Maker Faire Bay Area 2018

May 18th-20th

Exhibit Drones

A remote-controlled plane using Arduino Mini Pro. Also, the plane uses WiFi to communicate with iOS (iPhone, iPad, iPod) or Android-based devices. The plane is controlled by an App which can be deployed on any iOS or Android system.

Remote Controlled Airplane project image
Vyara Monova Maker Picture

Vyara Monova

Vyara is a 15-year-old teenager. She is passionate about making and traveling. She is originally from Bulgaria and would love to see the Maker Faire in Bulgaria. Vyara is a freshman at George Washington High School in San Francisco.

Young Makers Showcase Maker

Young Makers are innovative and creative young people who have been working on a youth-chosen, open-ended project to showcase at the Maker Faire. These kids come from maker clubs, schools, and sometimes garages from all over the bay area and the world.

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