Lasers on Leather: What Will's Will Smith Print on a Glowforge?
World Maker Faire 2016
October 1st-2nd
Glowforge is a 3D laser printer that can bring ideas to life at the push of a button . Witness a professional artist design and print an entire creation on a Glowforge laser - live onstage - and learn how you can make beautiful things with a laser, too.
Will Smith
Will is the CEO and co-founder of FOO VR and the host of The FOO Show, where he interviews game developers inside their games using the magical power of virtual reality. Previously, he was the co-founder of and the editor-in-chief of Maximum PC Magazine. He lives at home with his wife, daughter, and an increasingly crotchety corgi. Meggersee-Briggs
Shell Meggersee-Briggs has worked in film, TV and video games, bringing everything from giant 3D monsters to well-known cartoon characters to life. At night, you might find her designing anything from vinyl toys to couture bedding fabric to intricate wedding invitations.
Bailey Nelson
Bailey is the resident Community Manager at Glowforge, where she helped launch of the biggest 30-day crowdfunding campaign in history. At previous jobs, Bailey drove Disneyland submarines, sold cupcakes, and pitched journalists stories on low-sodium soy sauce & scuba diving. And yes, she really put a Macbook in a Glowforge.