Maker Movement in China & Makeblock

Maker Faire Bay Area 2016

May 20th-22nd

Presentation Education

The Maker Movement in China is changing both the nation and the world. Vanness from Makeblock will talk about this from the perspective of developing the company and being a leader in bringing the Maker Movement to China.

Makeblock is an open-source Arduino robot building platform to provide mechanical parts, electronic modules (sensors) and software for users to make dreams come true within minutes.

Maker Movement in China & Makeblock project image
Vanness LEE Maker Picture

Vanness LEE

Vanness LEE is Partner of Makeblock American office. He have several times entrepreneurial experiences and use to be the co-founder/CEO of Shenzhen Open Innovation Lab which is the first Fablab in Shenzhen and hardware accelerator as well. He had over 10 years worldwide work experiences and as the new maker generation in China, will face and bring more challenges and opportunities in the future.

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