BeagleBone: Mint tin sized customizable computers for all

Maker Faire Bay Area 2016

May 20th-22nd


BeagleBone Black truly stands out as a compact, low-power device that provides desktop performance, and up to 65 GPIO pins, I2C, SPI, PWM, and two Programmable Realtime Units (PRU). Devices based on BeagleBone Black running CPU intensive applications while still communicating over a wireless networ

BeagleBone: Mint tin sized customizable computers for all project image
Jason Kridner Maker Picture

Jason Kridner

Jason Kridner is a software architecture manager for embedded processors at Texas Instruments Incorporated (TI). Kridner is also the co-founder of where he has created open-source development tools such as BeagleBoard, BeagleBoard-xM, BeagleBone, BeagleBone Black, BeagleBoard-X15 and the new BeagleBone Black Wireless. During his 20-year tenure with TI, Kridner has become an active

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