Skeletal Dropkick
Maker Faire Bay Area 2016
May 20th-22nd
Located in a small studio on the Pacific coast, Skeletal Dropkick ceramics are made by one person start to finish. Inspiration for my ceramics is gathered from years as a goth in the 80's, cryptozoology, and monster movies. Handcrafted for daily use.
Cris Orr
For the last 10 years, Cris has been honing her talents and skills as a world-renowned ceramicist, artist and maker. Over 7,000 of her unique, hand-crafted ceramic pieces have been adopted in countries all over the world.
San Francisco Bazaar Showcase Maker
San Francisco Bazaar is a Handmade market, Indie entertainment extravaganza and D.I.Y. Festival all under one roof!