Making Makers - Creative Empowerment in a Museum Makerspace

Maker Faire Bay Area 2016

May 20th-22nd

Presentation Education

With thousands of visitors on a busy day, a fast-paced science museum can be a difficult fit for a makerspace - but it is well worth the effort. Learn about the why and the how of using lessons from the Maker Movement to create meaningful and empowering STEAM learning experiences available to all.

Making Makers - Creative Empowerment in a Museum Makerspace project image
Alysia Dynamik Maker Picture

Alysia Dynamik

Alysia Dynamik is a multidisciplinary artist and educator living in Portland, OR. She has been making things (especially clothing and costuming) as long as she can remember, and now primarily works with mixed media, 3D printed, and electronic wearable art. A former public school teacher, she is now a Senior Educator at OMSI, and a resident artist and co-founder of Flat Rat Studios.

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