Creating Bluetooth Low Energy peripherals with Arduino

Maker Faire Bay Area 2016

May 20th-22nd

Presentation Arduino

Most Bluetooth Low Energy boards available to makers right now pretend to look like serial devices for simplicity’s sake and present a UART service to the user. We'll look at how to create custom Bluetooth services using Arduino libraries.

Creating Bluetooth Low Energy peripherals with Arduino project image
Don Coleman Maker Picture

Don Coleman

Don is a software developer who enjoys hacking with phones, Arduino, and other hardware. Don is the co-author of “Make:Bluetooth” and “Beginning NFC”.
Sandeep Mistry Maker Picture

Sandeep Mistry

Sandeep is a software engineer at Arduino and a co-author of "Make: Bluetooth." He enjoys tinkering with the Internet of Things and Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) devices.

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