Homemade Electric Vehicles

Maker Faire Bay Area 2016

May 20th-22nd

Exhibit Vehicles

The newest electric go kart here was built by teenagers Gabriel Petersen and James Schulz ~ specifically as a racing go kart on a budget with a brushed drive system. Also displayed are two additional electric go karts and longboards built by Gabriel.

Homemade Electric Vehicles project image
Gabriel Petersen Maker Picture

Gabriel Petersen

Gabriel is 15 and has been creating and building for years. His passion currently is to build electric vehicles. He built his first electric go kart at the age of 13 from scratch. Currently, he is working on building an electric skateboard.

James Schulz Maker Picture

James Schulz

James is 17 years old and loves to race go karts and play football. He enjoys working on cars and is restoring two older American cars, a T-bird and a mustang. He recently started building electric go carts.

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