Looking Back at Maker Faire
Maker Faire Bay Area 2015
May 15th-17th
A panel of Maker Faire veterans will discuss Maker Faires of the past, sharing favorite moments and ways that Maker Faire has changed their lives. Moderated by Lenore of Evil Mad Scientist Laboratories.

Lenore Edman
Lenore M. Edman is co-founder of Evil Mad Scientist Laboratories, a hobby electronics and robotics business. She has been showing projects and speaking at Maker Faire since 2006.
Mark Frauenfelder
Mark Frauenfelder was the founding editor-in-chief of MAKE magazine and is the founder of Boing Boing (boingboing.net) and the editor-in-chief of Cool-Tools.org. He was an editor at Wired from 1993-1998, the founding editor of Wired.com, and is the author of seven books. His latest book is "Maker Dad: Lunch Box Guitars, Anti-Gravity Jars and 22 Other Incredibly Cool Father-Daughter DIY Projects."
"Super-Awesome" Sylvia Todd
"Super-Awesome" Sylvia is a 13-year old girl from Northern California who makes a web show called "Sylvia's Super-Awesome Maker Show". The inventor of the "WaterColorBot", a watercolor painting robot and kit, and a published author in her project book series based on her shows and more! She is a Maker Faire fanatic, artist, tiger lover, tinkerer and loves to hang out with her friends.
Jeri Ellsworth
Jeri Ellsworth is an American entrepreneur and autodidact computer chip designer and inventor. Currently the president of Technical Illusions.

Stephen Voltz
Stephen Voltz started out as a street performer, juggling and swallowing fire on the streets of San Francisco. He changed direction, went to NYU Law School and practiced law outside of Boston for 20 yrs.
Fritz Grobe
For the first 20 years of his life, Fritz wanted to be a designer for Lego or a mathematician. Then came juggling. At Yale Univ., he founded the Yale Anti-Gravity Society, the university’s juggling club.
Jim Newton
Jim is a super-DIYer, serial entrepreneur, and lifelong maker. Jim created TechShop in 2006 because he needed a place to build his own inventions. Before founding TechShop, Jim was a BattleBots competitor and former full-time Science Advisor on the Discovery Channel's hit show MythBusters. Jim spends much of his time on-site at TechShop and thoroughly enjoys helping TechShop members with their projects. He also enjoys baking sourdough bread, camping with his family, and dreaming up new project ideas.