Schedule for on ‘’
To learn more about each exhibit and the makers behind all the ingenuity, visit the Meet the Makers page.
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Meet the World's First Micro:Bit Drone
Steinar Holoes
Boredom in schools is, unfortunately, a normal problem. And outcome is usually bad. That is why we are working on providing the tools educators can use to make education more relevant, fun and creative. Meet the worlds first micro:bit drone.
Right to Repair: Join the Fight to Make Things Fixable Again
Kyle Wiens
What makes things so hard to fix? Join iFixit and the rag-tag group of freedom fighters battling to make it legal to fix, mod, or just-plain open our stuff. And now California is considering Right to Repair legislation! If you can't fix it, you don't own it. Let's take back our right to tinker.
How We Make Stuff Now: Fireside chat with Jules Pieri of The Grommet and Dale Dougherty
Charles McEnerney
Join Dale Dougherty for a fireside chat with Jules Pieri, Co-founder & CEO of The Grommet and author of the new book from McGraw-Hill Education, "How We Make Stuff Now: Turn Ideas into Products That Build Successful Businesses."
The King of Random
Nathanael Bonham
A short demo of some of our coolest projects and experiments followed by a Q&A!
Kombucha: From your Kitchen to your Cosplay and Clothing
Christine Knobel
Have you ever wanted to build cosplay that you felt good to let go when you are done wearing it? Not only with your cosplay, but with your clothing as well? With kombucha you can. It can easily be grown in your kitchen. As well as easily transformed into garments by wet forming, cutting, and sewing.
Free-Flying Space Robots: The Next Generation
Danielle Carmichael
Free-flying space robots can be used when humans are present to off-load routine work, to increase astronaut productivity, and to handle contingencies. To help, NASA is developing and testing robotic free-flyers for use on the International Space Station.
Mars X House: Designing and 3D-Printing a Future Surface Habitat
Melodie Yashar
SEArch+ (Space Exploration Architecture) and Apis Cor present Mars X-House, a pioneering concept for a 3D-Printed Habitat on Mars. X-House will be additively manufactured at 1/3 scale live within the final head to head event of NASA's Phase 3 3D-Printed Habitat Competition in April 2019.
Top Development Boards of 2019
Kevin Walseth
Walk through the to development board of 2019 using the Original Boards Guide by Make: Mike Senese, Senior Editor for Make Magazine and Kevin Walseth, Business Ecosystem Dev. Manager will walk through the best boards to get you through prototyping and beyond by adding a little AR spin.
How to Convert Your Tracked 1959 El Camino from Diesel to Electric
Bruce Tomb
Each year since Maria del Camino's inception in 2009, substantial modifications have been made to this robotic vehicle. From perforating the body of this 1959 El Camino with 10's of thousands of holes, to the hydraulics enabling gymnastics– the latest mod is the conversion from diesel to electric.
Amplify your craft to a global audience with Amazon Handmade
Alison Swift
Join Amazon Handmade and local CA makers for a lively panel on how they turned their passions into a business. Come learn why they chose Amazon, how they’ve been successful, and if you might be ready to do the same!
The Future of 3D Printing is Here Now
Cindy Ericson
Makers get ready...we are finally beginning to see incredible applications of 3D printing that will change manufacturing & the world. 3D printing pioneer and former CEO of 3D Systems Avi Reichental will discuss the expanding universe of real world problems we can solve and opportunities for makers
Mark Rober: Glitter Bombed Package Thieves & Other Viral Video Stories
Mark Rober
Join former NASA engineer turned content creator Mark Rober and Make: senior editor Caleb Kraft for a living conversation on telling viral video stories.
The State of Arduino
Cristina Mauri
Learn about the latest developments in Arduino open-source microcontroller from Massimo Banzi, co-founder of the Arduino Project.
Sauerkraut Making at Home!!
Todd Champagne - happy girl kitchen
The crowd will be hands on making fresh cabbage + salt into a jar of take home organic sauerkraut! I'll answer any and all questions and mysteries of the probiotic pickling process that puzzle the crowd. It'll be fun learning how to feed ourselves!
Handmade Jewelry Soldering and Fabrication Demo
Leah Staley
Leah Staley will discuss her jewelry making process, design inspirations and do a step by step fabrication demonstration of her popular Burst Hoop earrings.
WeChat Maker Program
Julia Malta
Maker Faire and WeChat are pleased to partner and introduce the WeChat Maker program at #MFBA19. WeChat is proud to support an active community of makers in China, and the WeChat Maker program will help expand that community on a global level. Join us to learn more.
Starting & Growing a YouTube channel!
Evan Sheline
The most common questions we get are "How do you grow a channel?" "Any tips for getting started?" & "Why does the algorithm hate me?" (spoiler, it hates us all equally :P). So we're covering strategies for launching a channel + tips & tricks to grow it, from two folks who are two years into it.
Inside Corporate Maker Spaces
Kenny Spade
Companies are seeing the value of enabling their employees and providing access to tools (and environments) for hands-on prototyping and exploration. Hear from Maker Space leadership at Microsoft and Google about how these shared spaces are working in and for these companies.
Green New Deal: The Enormous Opportunity in Shooting for the Moon
Saul Griffith
The conversation about a Green New Deal is bold, timely, and necessary. The most important component of the Green New Deal as currently drafted is its commitment to complete decarbonization. That is the destination, the moon for our moonshot. The question is: how do we get there?
Around the World in 5 Spices
Ori Zohar - Burlap & Barrel: Single Origin Spices
Where do your spices come from? Ori Zohar, co-founder of Burlap & Barrel will walk you through the origins of our favorite spices, where they're grown, how they're harvested, and how it all impacts their flavor. Plus, you'll make our own spice blend to take home with you!
Tiny Homes
Evan Kahn
Photos from our best-selling book (110,000 copies sold) about small houses, campers, road rigs, houseboats, trailers and vans.
Making Space: Creating Watercolor Galaxies with Cody Vrosh
Cody Vrosh
Cody Vrosh is a speculative illustrator whose paintings feature lost astronauts, strange creatures, and colorful galaxies. Come explore the universe of watercolor and learn how to paint cosmic starscapes.
Brainstorming with Jimmy Diresta
caleb kraft
Join Jimmy Diresta as he takes ideas from the crowd and brainstorms how he would build them. This fun exercise is a great way of unleashing your creativity and maybe even learning a few tips from Jimmy.
Rapid Prototyping Immersive Entertainment
Brent Bushnell
Powerful tools often start as toys and entertainment. The only real risk of failure is that it isn't fun so experimentation can be embraced. Once vetted at scale the tools can graduate to mission critical roles in operating rooms, education, and other high risk environments.
The Future of Health & Medicine: Where can Technology & Makers Take Us?
Daniel Kraft
The convergence of fast moving technologies has accelerated innovation across the healthcare continuum. In this talk, Dr. Daniel Kraft, Chair of Medicine at Singularity Univ. will explore the cutting edge of MedTech & how Makers are helping reshape the future of prevention, diagnosis and therapy
The State of Maker Education
Kyle Cornforth
The movement for maker education has taken off - uptake? on the ground is faster than its ever been, as educators seize the opportunity for high impact on learning. But can we change the conversation about what learning looks like? What's working? What are the barriers?
Sunday Sermon: Adam Savage
Adam Savage
Adam Savage will be speaking on Sunday, May 19 at 12:00 PM.
Around the World in 5 Spices
Ori Zohar - Burlap & Barrel: Single Origin Spices
Where do your spices come from? Ori Zohar, co-founder of Burlap & Barrel will walk you through the origins of our favorite spices, where they're grown, how they're harvested, and how it all impacts their flavor. Plus, you'll make our own spice blend to take home with you!
Driftwood Shacks: Anonymous Architecture Along the California Coast
Lloyd Kahn
Lloyd Kahn shows photos of over 50 beach shacks on the California coast, highlighting creative design, imagination, and inventive construction skills. These whimsical creations are transitory; all of them are knocked down by wind or waves sooner or later, and new ones appear.
Sauerkraut Making at Home!!
Todd Champagne - happy girl kitchen
The crowd will be hands on making fresh cabbage + salt into a jar of take home organic sauerkraut! I'll answer any and all questions and mysteries of the probiotic pickling process that puzzle the crowd. It'll be fun learning how to feed ourselves!
The Impact of the Fourth Industrial Revolution on Our Cities
Jonathan Reichental
Our world is in the process of rapid change. You can see and feel it. We are in the opening years of a fourth industrial revolution that will transform the way we work, live, and play. What might this all mean to the nature of our cities and to you and your family and friends?
How to Make a Shipping Container House
ben uyeda
I built a house out of shipping containers and documented the entire process. It was a fully permitted project in Joshua Tree California and all of the materials came from Home Depot. This presentation will cover the process and results.
Cosplay Prop Contest
Jason Bedard
Bring us your axes, swords, helmets, or ray guns! This is the maker community's chance to show off their props and handheld items and compete for some excellent maker prizes. [Enter Here]
Raising Cash: The State of Getting Products to Market
Tyler Mincey
In the 14 years since Maker Faire began, there has been a lot of change around makers “going pro.” Paths to financing, like crowdfunding and more recently venture funding opportunities, have allowed makers to evolve their businesses and bring products to market in a new way.
I Like to Make Stuff, a conversation with the whole team
Bob Clagett
The whole team from I Like To Make Stuff talks about the process for a project and what their workflow looks like to create a new project video every week. Bring your questions for the whole team!
Immersive Experience Design in the Bay Area
Steven Boyle
Meet Bay Area artists working in immersive theatre, mixed reality, escape games, underground experiences, and interactive art installations. Find out how immersive experience design is winning the hearts and minds of audiences & defining a viable business model for artists.