Maker Faire Edmonton 2024


Home: Alberta, Canada

Less of a traditional brand; a concept, an art piece, and a thought experiment through the production of clothes.

PINHEADFOUNTAIN - Maker Faire Edmonton 2024


Ivy Gouldhawke Maker Photo

Ivy Gouldhawke

18 year old creator and fashion designer looking to create designs based off her world experiences and perception of human existence. Creator of the brand PINHEADFOUNTAIN, Ivy is an ambitious young creator who strives for success, in areas she is passionate about and beyond. Ivy looks deeper into the phenomenon of human existence and uses that consciousness to create original and handmade designs with the help of MC College, where she currently goes to school. Ivy wishes to share her passion with the world and have her mind be truly known, by herself and others, possibly but not required.


What Inspired You to Make This?

Lifelong dream, project of self discovery and exploration, personal way to create things based on thoughts and feelings.