Maker Faire Luxembourg 2024


Home: North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany

The simplicity of Pen & Paper is unparalleled for quick visualizations and tinkering on ideas with friends. Rollgut, featuring a clipboard and a magnetic pencil box, aims to optimize this 2000-year-old invention for our needs in the modern world.
Rollgut - Maker Faire Luxembourg 2024


Thomas Sommer Maker Photo

Thomas Sommer

Self-taught engineer / designer / inventor. With one hand in crafting and the other in digital technology, my mind is fed by a wide spectrum of inspirations. My dream is to create well-thought-out, high-quality, and long-lasting products for people who value these qualities as much as I do. My Nightmare is to end up in some company, creating throw away gadgets.

What Inspired You to Make This?

My strongest inspiration stems from my ingrained behavior of questioning the world and its commodities as they are. My brain continuously generates alternative solutions for both physical and non-physical issues. Additionally, from my personal experience, supported by well-researched facts, interactive engagement is essential for the well-being and healthy development of human beings. The mission behind Rollgut/my creations is to remind and encourage people of all ages to set aside their phones and keyboards, get their hands dirty, and rediscover the inspirational nature of physical interaction!

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