Maker Faire Bay Area 2023
Home: California, United States
Dragonflly can be ridden and pedaled to move the wings in a somewhat random motion depending upon the speed and cadence which is taken. The piece may be emotor driven to eliminate user error, The piece was built as part of a larger series called 'Grin's Playground' which was an application for honoraria at Burning Man. Spider Sweet won that year so the playground came later. It is uplit with ultrviolet lights and the wings glow magically at night.
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Bryan Argabrite
I brought you Spider Sweet at the last Maker Faire. We have been continueing to create large kinetic sculptures that usually go to Burning Man each year. I continue to build steel and aluminum pieces form upcycled materials and recycled tools, fasteners and furniture. The new forms will take on whatever best workd with no restictions of materials or value. IT is the creative concept which drives the choices not the mateirals themselves.