Maker Faire Bay Area 2023
How to Make a Vacuum Former
Home: California, United States
People will learn how to build and operate a simple vacuum former for ~$35 in common parts to make props, soap/chocolate/candy molds, phone cases & more. Project Photos
Maker Block
Madman with a box. I just wanna make stuff and talk to other people who make cool things
https://www.makerblock.comWhat Inspired You to Make This?
I've always wanted a vacuum former to make functional (phone cases, candy molds) and decorative (props, costume pieces, etc) parts and this project fit the bill. It's inexpensive, flexible, portable, and stores away easily. When not in use it's basically just a bucket that holds the supplies. It only takes a few minutes to set up and get going and then another few minutes to put it all away again.