Maker Faire Orange County 2023

PhyzAI - Fully AI Interactive Children's Education Robot

Home: California, United States

Join Phyz the AI powered interactive galactic exploring robot in an exploration of all things science. Do your best to stump the intergalactic super brain with your toughest scientific inquiries.

PhyzAI  Fully AI Interactive Childrens Education Robot - Maker Faire Orange County


Victor Ciccarelli - Maker Faire Yearbook Photo

Victor Ciccarelli

Victor Ciccarelli is a long time maker, artist, technologist specializing in maker projects for education and robotics. Founder of the STEAMMaker festival and numerous educational robotics programs.

Sarah Thomson - Maker Faire Yearbook Photo

Sarah Thomson

Sarah Thomson is a lifelong robotics designer having grown up in the First Robotics world and part of a World Champion team. Recently graduated from UC San Diego with a degree in Interdisciplinary Computing and the Arts. She is a strong advocate for girls in STEAM programs, she works with Phyz to help expand young women's participation in robotics programs.

What Inspired You to Make This?

A lifetime of promoting STEM and education and building projects to inspire youth creativity.