Maker Faire Lisbon 2023
Home: Cataluña, Espanha
The world we live in is full of inequality, and social, cultural and gender differences that can be mitigated through education. Therefore we seek solutions to improve the quality of education in urban and rural areas through non-colonializing planet-centred technologies, for a more sustainable future. We want to train citizens to become change-makers, that's why we design problem-based methodologies and objects to promote innovation and creativity in students while fostering other skills for the 21st century. We investigate the role of education as a tool to strengthen societies towards a more sustainable world, in which innovation and creativity are skills that help communities become more resilient in different areas such as climate change and food security.
We are an R+D studio in educational innovation focused on the planet, which designs methodologies, workshops and learning objects for communities, schools and homes. We help in the conceptualization and implementation of small school and community innovation laboratories (SiLabs), with which we want to empower people in the use of emerging digital manufacturing technologies such as 3D printing, code and electronics. And we also help implement school gardens for learning and research related to food, its process and sustainability in search of food security for all. Our purpose is to empower people through knowledge, skills and tools that allow them to be more resilient to the changes of the 21st century, in search of a planet-centred future for all. Inspired You to Make This?
The education of the last century considered the memorization of knowledge as the most important, but new theories suggest that the highest level of knowledge is creation when after understanding information and analyzing it critically you can create something new with it. That's why we focus our methodologies, workshops and projects on teaching skills with which people can create new things from knowledge mixed with their experience.