Maker Faire Cranberry TWP 2023

Coding and AR/VR In The Elementary Classroom with Kai's Clan Robots

Home: Pennsylvania, United States

4th grade students have been working on coding their robots to complete missions on Mars. After learning about various Mars rovers, our engineers designed their own rovers and were able to use AR/VR to turn this lesson into a learning experience.

Coding and AR/VR In The Elementary Classroom with Kai's Clan Robots - Maker Faire Cranberry TWP


Paolo Tolomeo Maker Faire Yearbook Photo

Paolo Tolomeo

As a 4th grade teacher in the Seneca Valley School District for the past 13 years, I work to create learning experiences for my students through the use of Gamification, story-telling, and coding.

What Inspired You to Make This?

I received the TransformED grant through the AIU and wanted a way to showcase students' work with the community