Maker Faire Los Angeles 2023

Find my Cat -- A Beautiful GPS tracker for pets

Home: Arizona, United States

How I built a GPS tracker to track my cat and why you should do it too. Come learn about my design and building process and how I use Design Thinking as a Maker.
Find my Cat -- A Beautiful GPS tracker for pets - Maker Faire Los Angeles


Sahas Chitlange Maker Faire Yearbook Photo

Sahas Chitlange

Sahas has been building projects since he was 5 years old. His parents recall stories of him breaking open his toys more often than playing with them. He has been breaking and building stuff since. To his surprise, a number of his projects have been really popular on Instructables earning over 1.2 million views and winning a dozen competitions. The most viewed being, the Biogas project, the DIY electric mountain board and a GPS shoe to keep kids safe. He wants to keep exploring his curiosity and share his journey while doing so. You can follow him on Instructables!

What Inspired You to Make This?

My love for Pumpkin, my cat. I also wanted to push the boundaries of how small of a wearable I could build and this was a great challenge. I learned a bunch and hoping to apply that to the second version of this project.