
Maker Faire Traveler Program
World Maker Faire New York 2014

Maker Corps at Maker Faire has a new name: Maker Faire Traveler Program… it’s a new program designed to support the Maker Movement. Help out at the Maker Faire and attend for free! To get started, click on step 1.




Traveler’s Guide

Learn more about becoming a Traveler with this Guide. For Travelers, we provide the opportunity and platform to enhance your skills. You travel throughout the Maker Movement to get behind-the-scenes experience, and help make the Greatest Show (and Tell) on Earth happen!

Maker Media, Inc., Maker Faire and the Maker Movement:

Traveler Preparation:

Becoming a Maker Traveler

Becoming a Green Traveler

Directions, Parking, Entry:

Maker Media, Inc., Maker Faire and the Maker Movement:

What is the Maker Movement?

With the launch of MAKE Magazine in 2005, Dougherty and his team provided the catalyst for a tech-influenced DIY community that has come to be identified as the Maker Movement. As the movement has gathered increasing momentum, makers have created their own market ecosystem, developing new products and services. The combination of ingenious makers and innovative technologies such as the Arduino microcontroller and personal 3D printing are driving innovation in manufacturing, engineering, industrial design, hardware technology and education. Over the years, the MAKE division has become synonymous with the Maker Movement and is the recognized leader of this growing community of makers.

What is Maker Faire?

Maker Faire is primarily designed to be forward-looking, showcasing makers who are exploring new forms and new technologies. But it’s not just for the novel in technical fields; Maker Faire features innovation and experimentation across the spectrum of science, engineering, art, performance and craft.

Maker Faire is a gathering of fascinating, curious people who enjoy learning and who love sharing what they can do. It’s a venue for makers to show examples of their work and interact with others about it. Many makers say they have no other place to share what they do. DIY (Do-It-Yourself) is often invisible in our communities, taking place in shops, garages and on kitchen tables. It’s typically out of the spotlight of traditional art or science or craft events. Maker Faire makes visible these projects and ideas that we don’t encounter every day.

What is a Traveler?

A Traveler is someone who sees the value in being a part of the Maker Movement and the important place Maker Faire has in that Movement. The Traveler is willing to lend a hand where needed, is flexible, eager to work, and is well versed on all things Maker Faire. A Traveler also has the skills to help and make throughout the Maker Movement.

Why was the Maker Corps at Maker Faire renamed the Maker Faire Traveler Program?

The Maker Movement extends far beyond the inspiring days of the Maker Faire. Many of the ideas born at Maker Faire, grow and develop throughout the Movement. The Maker Corps at Maker Faire was a name that conveyed the great sense of commitment and willingness to serve the greater community of Makers. It conveyed that message so well, that our Founder Dale Dougherty, decided the name should be used in the greater Movement to represent those who support Young Makers, Makerspaces and The Maker Education Initiative. For those who are new to this Movement, we invite you to become a Maker Traveler. Join us on a journey where you can learn about the Maker Movement, help in the production of the Maker Faire and share the influence of the Maker Faire in your community. Become a Maker Traveler, adventure awaits!

Traveler Preparation:

What is important for me to know about being a Traveler?

Dependability and Punctuality

    Your assignment is an important one. Therefore, we ask that you honor the commitments that you make. Should you be unable to fulfill an assignment that you have accepted, prior to showtime, please communicate your situation with us. Maker Travelers email or contact Sonia Russell at 510-386-2294; text is the best method. Green Travelers email with any questions or information about your assignment.


    Although this experience is part of a training program, the commitment is professional. Event production training at Maker Faire requires that you be punctual and communicate agreeably with the staff, guests, and other Travelers. Occasionally, you may have challenges with the behavior of a guest, exhibitor, or staff person that you may deal with. We are here if you feel uncomfortable; if you have any problems, please bring it up with the Maker Traveler Agent, Sonia Russell.

Assigned Positions

    Please remain in your assigned area until you are released by your manager. Your role is important, and once you depart, we need to fill it. You should remain in your position until the next shift arrives, even if your relief is late. If you feel you have been left at your position for longer than agreed, please get word back to the area manager assigned to your area.

Understanding Your Assignment

    Please take the time to understand your assignment. Do not hesitate to ask any Crew Member for assistance if you need it. They will be able to radio Sonia Russell onsite to assist you further with any concerns or questions you may have. It is most important to let the attendees know that you will check, rather than give out incorrect information.

Checking Out

    Return to the Maker Traveler booth to check out after you have completed your assignment.

How old do I have to be to become a Traveler?

You must be at least 18 year old to participate alone.

If you are younger than 18 years old, and older than 16 years old, you can participate alone, but must have an additional permission slip submitted BY YOUR PARENT/GUARDIAN.


If you are younger than 16, and older than 13, you must have a PARENT/GUARDIAN ONSITE AND they must submit this permission slip when they check you in.


If you are under 13 years old, we are unable to have you participate as a Traveler.

Becoming a Maker Traveler:

How do I become a Maker Traveler?

In order to become a Maker Traveler you must:

What are the perks of being a Maker Traveler?

For your 4 (four) hour shift you will receive:
  • A One Day Pass to Maker Faire
  • Maker Traveler T-shirt
  • A Maker Traveler Credential
  • A Maker Traveler Passport
  • Access to exclusive Maker Lounge
  • Maker Faire Journal
For your 5 (five) hour shift you will receive:
  • A One Day Pass to Maker Faire
  • Maker Traveler T-shirt
  • A Maker Traveler Credential
  • A Maker Traveler Passport
  • Access to exclusive Maker Lounge
  • A Maker Faire paperback journal
Perks for your 8-10 (eight to ten) hour shifts:
  • Weekend pass to Maker Faire
  • Maker Faire T-shirt
  • Traveler Credential
  • A Maker Traveler Passport
  • Access to exclusive Maker Lounge
  • A Maker Faire paperback journals
  • An extra special gift!

Sign up for the 3rd shift on Sunday and receive a special gift!

What are the time commitments of the Maker Traveler?

In addition to selecting your onsite schedule in 4 or 5-hour blocks of time, you will need to complete the online training modules learning about the Maker Movement and Maker Faire. Of course, our hope is that you will enjoy working with us at Maker Faire and want to participate throughout the weekend. We’re happy to work with you on your schedule in terms of breaks and time off to experience Maker Faire on your own.

What are the available shifts for the Maker Traveler at Maker Faire?

Thursday, September 18th: 10 AM – 2 PM
Thursday, September 18th: 1 PM – 5 PM
Friday, September 19th: 9 AM – 2 PM
Friday, September 19th: 1:30 PM – 6:30 PM
Saturday, September 20th: 8 AM – 12 PM
Saturday, September 20th: 11:30 AM – 4:30 PM
Saturday, September 20th: 4 PM – 8 PM
Sunday, September 21st: 8 AM – 12 PM
Sunday, September 21st: 11:30 AM – 4:30 PM
Sunday, September 21st: 4 PM – 8 PM

What sort of jobs do Maker Travelers do at Maker Faire?

  • Set Up Staff — Maker check-in and load-in
  • Special Activities — support with keeping the area fun and safe for Maker Camp, Education Day and Learn to Solder
  • Maker Shed (Bookstore) Assistants — General set-up and basic assembly of materials distributed and sold in the bookstore.
  • Information Booth — Answer questions from the public regarding the attractions and their locations.
  • Maker Check-In Attendants — Assist Makers with check in, welcome packages and directing them to their location.
  • Maker Assistants — Help as needed with breaks and whatever they may need in the way of assistance to help showcase their project.
  • General Runners — Task related assignments directed by the Show Office, our Sales Department, Subscriptions
  • Safety Waiver Stations/Roamers — Assist with acquiring signatures on waivers and distributing wristbands.
  • Sustainability/Greening – Help make sure that Maker Faire minimalizes it’s footprint. Special sign up for the Green Traveler is here.
  • General – I’m flexible and willing to do ANYTHING you need!

How do I sign up with a specific Maker?

If you are volunteering for a specific exhibit, DO NOT sign up here. Please contact the Maker directly to sign up with them to help with their exhibit.

Becoming a Green Traveler:

How do I become a Green Traveler?

Join the Maker Faire Green Travelers as a zero-waste expert to teach young makers the way to preserve our environmental resources and remind all to Think before they throw by teaching people to identify compostable/recyclable/non-recyclable items at waste stations located throughout the Faire!

    Sign up for your shift(s), selecting the day and time you would like to work.
    Watch the Training Video.
    Complete the Training Video Assessment.

What are the perks of being a Green Traveler?

Perks for 1 shift:

  • A One Day Pass to Maker Faire
  • A Green Traveler T-shirt
  • A Green Traveler Credential
  • A Green Traveler Passport
  • Access to exclusive Maker Lounge
  • A Maker Faire paperback journal

Perks for 2 full shifts:

  • A Weekend Pass to Maker Faire
  • A Green Traveler T-shirt
  • A Green Traveler Credential
  • A Green Traveler Passport
  • Access to exclusive Maker Lounge
  • A Maker Faire paperback journals
  • An extra special gift!

Sign up for the 3rd shift on Sunday and receive a special gift!

What are the available shifts for the Green Traveler at Maker Faire?

Shifts: (Chose one or more)

Friday, September 19th: 10 AM – 4 PM (Set up)
Saturday, September 20th: 9 AM – 2:30 PM
Saturday, September 20th: 2:30 PM – 7:30 PM
Sunday, September 21st: 9 AM – 2:30 PM
Sunday, September 21st: 2:30 PM – 7:30 PM

Sign up to become a Green Traveler!

Directions, Parking, Entry:

What will I need to have with me onsite for Maker Faire?

You may want to bring a sun hat and sunscreen, as some assignments may be outside. Wear comfortable shoes. We also recommend a water bottle. We will provide some snacks and you will have access to the Maker Lounge where you can purchase food at a discounted price, we will NOT be providing you will meals. Be sure to bring your printed Eventbrite Entry Pass.

Where will I park when I arrive at Maker Faire?

Check out the Getting to Maker Faire page for travel and parking information.

Where will I enter when I arrive at Maker Faire?

All travelers need to obtain an Entry Pass in advance through Eventbrite.

  • Go directly to the Maker Service Center at Gate 6 and show your Entry Pass.
  • You will be shown the location of the Traveler Station.
  • You will meet your Traveler Agent and continue your to your destination.

What if I have additional questions?

If your questions have not been answered, please send us an email

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