Maker Faire Bay Area 2023

Paper Roller Coasters

Home: North Carolina, United States

I build paper roller coasters, marble tracks made from cardstock and tape. I've built roller coasters that were over 16 feet tall, completely out of paper and tape. My paper roller coaster templates are used by thousands of schools around the world.
Paper Roller Coasters - Maker Faire Bay Area
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Andrew Gatt Maker Faire Yearbook Photo

Andrew Gatt

For 24 years, I taught a mixture of science and engineering to students from pre-K through 12th grade. Now I sell my Paper Roller Coaster kits and templates through my website. My younger son, Greg, is joining me at his first Bay Area Maker Faire.

What Inspired You to Make This?

I've been building Paper Roller Coasters with students for over 20 years. It was always a highlight of the school year. Other teachers persuaded me to refine my designs and turn it into a business, which I did in 2010. My templates have now been used in thousands of schools around the world.

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