Maker Faire City of STEM + Los Angeles 2024

Engineer Factory

Home: California, United States

The mission of the Engineer Factory is to strengthen the K-12 STEM education pipeline for students from underserved communities through hands-on workshops, summer programs, coding classes, engineer & robotics competition coaching, and #mathswag.
Engineer Factory - Maker Faire City of STEM + Los Angeles 2024


Audrey Thompson Maker Photo

Audrey Thompson

Audrey Thompson is the Founder and Executive Director of the Engineer Factory, a nonprofit founded in 2016 with the mission of strengthening the K-12 STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) education pipeline for girls and students of color in underserved communities. Her vision is to encourage, educate, engage, and empower more female, African American and Latino students to become engineers and/or pursue STEM careers. The Engineer Factory achieves this through hands-on, project-based learning opportunities (STEM workshops and classes); computer science equity activities; coaching students for engineering competitions; summer programs; math proficiency programs; professional development for educators; exposure and linkages to the engineering industry; mentoring; and by awarding scholarships to deserving high school seniors. The Engineer Factory conducted STEM workshops for more than 8000 students since 2016 through partnerships with schools, churches, parks & rec center, foster homes, and co


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