Maker Faire City of STEM + Los Angeles 2024
Chatsworth Library Maker Space
Home: California, United States
Come and see the projects of the volunteers of the Chatsworth Library Maker Space. See robots and whimsical projects from the imaginative patrons at Los Angeles Public Library Chatsworth Branch.
Shawn Stamm
Shawn Stamm is the Adult Librarian at Chatsworth Branch Library (CLMS). He started Chatsworth Library Maker Space in 2017 as patron volunteer organization specializing in robotics and STEM programs for the patrons of Chatsworth Library. In 2019 Los Angeles Public Library award the CLMS engineering team with an Ideas Grant for the creation of Pinata Bot, a non destructive battle bot game tailored to the teaching of robotics in a library environment. It currently has six 3d printers and one laser cutter. The group was further funded by Eva Mitnick, Director of Engagement and Learning with the contribution of ten laptop workstations and a subscription to Adobe Creative Suite. CLMS is currently teaching Fusion 360 and Maker Skills to library patrons. Member's ages range from 15 years of age to 70 years of age to more.