Maker Faire Luxembourg 2024

3D Printing for Games

Home: Walferdanmge, Luxembourg

3D printings for Boardgames, and Tabletop Miniature games, from miniatures, to scenery, to boardgames inserts and pieces to enhance gameplay.

3D Printing for Games - Maker Faire Luxembourg 2024


Manuel Pombeiro Maker Photo

Manuel Pombeiro

For a long time a hobbyist for almost everything miniature-related. From painting miniature armies to playing boardgames. Living in Luxembourg for the past 5 years, I've been connecting with the local community of players and boardgamers around the country, bringing new experiences and ideas to have fun for everyone when socializing through games. 3D printing has come as a development of the need to improve on the fun we can all have when sitting at a table to play a game.


What Inspired You to Make This?

The contact with the visitors and the explanation of the details of how to make the most simple things (to me) may inspire them to try them on their one. Visitors will also have the opportunity to acquire some 3D printed (some already painted) objects that may be used in their games.