Maker Faire Edmonton 2023

Rustic Zen Candle Company

Home: Alberta, Canada

Homemade candles made from 100% soy wax and essential oils used for the scent. These candles are hand poured, and each candle is made with patience and care. The candles last for about 65 hours and the jars can be repurposed when done.
Categories: Craft, Home,
Rustic Zen Candle Company - Maker Faire Edmonton


Michelle Addo Maker Faire Yearbook Photo

Michelle Addo

The Journey Crafting Candles with Passion & Love It started when my daughters were entering Highschool and I realized that soon they will be off on their own pursuing their own dreams. I needed to find something that would spark the passion and my creativity. ​I have always loved candles and how the flame dances in the dark, the smells of the candles offers peace after a long day while having a bath or drinking wine by the fire place. I wanted to create this peaceful way to relaxation. I started researching candle making and it didn't start off very good as I had some wax, fragrance oil and candle dye in my craft supplies, thinking this can't be too hard to do. Well my first attempt at making candles was a flop and I messed up! First of all I heated the wax to hot, poured the fragrance oil in when it was too hot and it flashed off instantly leaving a dull scent and a dull color! After cooling in a glass jar the wax sunk in the middle leaving a terrible looking candle! After many hours of r

What Inspired You to Make This?

Myself - I love of candles and I wanted to create my own .

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