Maker Faire NW Arkansas 2023
Home: Arkansas, United States
Meet the Crochetzorback! These loveable little hogs are sure to show off your Razorback spirit! They can go onto your baseball cap with a bobby pin, backpacks with a safety pin, or wherever you want them to go! Each hog is handmade with love and care
Mary-Catherine Taylor
Hello! My name is Mary-Catherine, and I am the shop owner of Knit Knacks Yarn. I am currently a college student pursuing a business degree, and I love to knit and crochet during my free time. I created this business because I have a passion for small, cute things, and I love to see the joy my creations bring to other people. I hope to continue expanding my business. I started knitting in late 2019 and crocheting in early 2022. I hope that you find something here that brings you as much joy receiving it as it did for me to make it!
More... https://knitknacksyarn.etsy.comWhat Inspired You to Make This?
I realized that there was a niche in the market when it came to razorback memorabilia. There are not any or many small razorback stuffed animals/plushes. I enjoy creating stuffed animals, so I was inspired to create a miniature razorback stuffed animal as a result.