How to Add AI to Almost Everything
Maker Faire Bay Area 2024
October 18th-20th
Hosted by Seeed Studio, this hands-on workshop is specifically tailored for AI beginners and Arduino fans. Dive into the transformative world of AI using our XIAO ESP32S3 Sense, a thumb-sized yet powerful MCU. This workshop will provide you with a practical, easy-to-understand introduction to machine learning while demystifying the world of AI.
Workshop Highlights:
- The prospect of AI: Discuss the future of AI, including the role of Large Language Models in enhancing device intelligence and user interaction
- Interactive Demonstrations: Experience real-time applications of Vision AI through engaging demonstrations.
- Hands-On Training: Learn the basics of sound and vision model training. Participants will actively engage in collecting and training models using the XIAO ESP32S3 Sense.
Seeed Studio
Seeed Studio is a leading Open Hardware company since 2008, empowering more than half a million global developers from different verticals to co-create and make their solutions available for diverse markets. As the AI hardware partner, Seeed provides industrial-ready modules and devices, along with Fusion services of prototype, produce and promote.