Make Upcycled Ocean Microplastic Keychains and Necklaces
Maker Faire Bay Area 2024
October 18th-20th
Plastic Pollution harms ocean life. In addition to reducing the amount of plastic we use and throw away, we can upcycle the plastic that already exists into something useful and beautiful. In this workshop you will transform salvaged ocean microplastics to keychains and necklaces using UV resin.
Amped Atelier
Amped Atelier is the tech couture design group of Sahrye Cohen and Hal Rodriguez. They specialize in diy electronics, upcycled materials, and are the authors of Make It, Wear It: Wearable Electronics for Makers, Crafters, and Cosplayers.They teach workshops in electronics, cosplay, and upcycling at conventions, makerspaces, and maker faires.