
Maker Faire Bay Area 2024

October 18th-20th

Dark Room Exhibit Art & Design

When a cat shows you her butt, she absolutely trusts you. She's like, "Here! You're my human and I feel good about it." And it's funny!

Trust is an installation of 2-3 large metal cat sculptures with their butts in the air. Each cat has a decorative and illuminated butthole at eye-level.

Meeting new people and experiencing new things can be intimidating and overwhelming.

Trust provides comic relief to help people let down their guard and, hopefully, feel safe to trust themselves and other people they encounter

Second Cat of Trust Rolling Out!
Trust project image
Paige Tashner Maker Picture

Paige Tashner

Paige Tashner has been sharing her sense of creativity and quirkiness for several years. It started with an electric, single-occupancy, drivable cupcake car, followed by large-scale installations, Stardust, the Purr Pods and Trust, all recipients of the Black Rock City Honoraria Grant.

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