Jumanji Game
Maker Faire Bay Area 2019
May 17th-19th
My name is Sun Woo, Kang who came from South Korea. We are Kids maker team. The Jumanji game is a game that got idea from movie Jumanji. There is a scene in movie where the actors can avoid traps and knives. I wanted to make this scene a game.
Sunwoo Kang
My name is sun-woo, kid maker who has maker movement and fair experience about 5 years from 6 years old. I participated in the first maker fair in 2014 with my work with my parents. I'm 12 years old and a 6th grade elementary school student.
https://www.instructables.com/id/How-to-Make-Jumanji-Game/Yeonsu Kang
My name is yeon-su, kid maker who has maker movement and fair experience about 3 years from 6 years old. I participated in the first maker fair in 2016 with my work with my parents. I'm 9 years old and a 3th grade elementary school student.
https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100025072243559Taewook Kang
I'm Maker and Researcher related to construction domain. We're family maker team called Kids maker. I have experience 7 years in Maker movement in South Korea. I like Maker culture and enjoy it with my family.