Thunder - A Model Roller Coaster

Maker Faire Bay Area 2018

May 18th-20th

Exhibit Ribbon Recipient

This is Thunder - A B&M style roller coaster made from K'nex. I designed and built this coaster over the course of 3 months, and spent about six hours building per week. It features two lift hills, a loop, and tube-style supports.

Thunder | A Knex Roller Coaster
Thunder - A Model Roller Coaster project image
Noah Smith Maker Picture

Noah Smith

Noah is a high school senior at Menlo-Atherton High School, and has been building model roller coasters for ten years. He will be attending Harvey Mudd College in Southern California next year to study engineering and play water polo.

Young Makers Showcase Maker

Young Makers are innovative and creative young people who have been working on a youth-chosen, open-ended project to showcase at the Maker Faire. These kids come from maker clubs, schools, and sometimes garages from all over the bay area and the world.

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