Maker Faire Bay Area 2017
May 19th-21st
3D modelling software to program smart 3D objects, interactive 3D websites and virtual reality worlds. Create interactive designs by using a Scratch-inspired 3D modelling suite:Create stories, games, and animations. Share with others around the world
Sam Weatherly
I work as a full time BMW master technician, I host 3D printing workshops at the local Makerspace, and I also train local teachers how to apply 3D printing in the classroom. I am co-founder of MakerMex 3D printers and hosted a successfull KickStarter
Luis Pacheco
I am an architect and co-founder and director of operations in MakerMex, My passion is to teach workshops about 3D printing, Blender and Digital manufacturing. Im-co developer of MakerSCAD as side project for 3D printing and education.
Juan Carlos Orozco
Electrical Engineer first in my class, EE Masters Degree Stanford University. Design & Supervision of more than 100 Industrial Automation. 3 Patent Granted. Three Blue Ribbons @ MakerFaire 2007 Austin Texas. CDO at MakerMex 3D Printers Rogers
Patrick is a public educator and maker from Chesapeake, VA. He has made education, in various forms, his life. Patrick has taught grades 1st-12th, as well as adults, teens and children in martial arts and 3D printing/modeling.