Creating a multitasking system at the push of a button using SynthOS

Maker Faire Bay Area 2016

May 20th-22nd

Presentation Microcontrollers

To create a multitasking software system you’ve had two options—get an off-the-shelf OS or write your own scheduler. Either way you needed to learn APIs, understand mutexes, mailboxes, and message queues, and debug race conditions, deadlocks, and other hazards. With SynthOS you just push a button.

SynthOS Robot Arm Video
Creating a multitasking system at the push of a button using SynthOS project image
Bob Zeidman Maker Picture

Bob Zeidman

Bob Zeidman is the founder of Zeidman Technologies and is considered a pioneer in the fields of software synthesis and software analysis. He is also the president and founder of Software Analysis and Forensic Engineering Corporation, the leading provider of software intellectual property analysis tools, having pioneered the field. He is also the president and founder of Zeidman Consulting.

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