Maker Faire Bay Area 2023

The Community-Driven Evolution of Corsi Boxes

Home: California, United States

Join the DIY air purification movement with Corsi Boxes! Originating from the collaborative efforts of Dr. Richard Corsi and Jim Rosenthal in 2020, the Corsi-Rosenthal Cube, now widely known as the Corsi Box, emerged as a community-driven remedy to indoor air pollutants like infectious aerosols and wildfire smoke particles. The transformation of Corsi Boxes from a DIY initiative to a widely adopted, open-source design is a testament to the Maker community’s engagement and practical innovation. Learn about the latest Corsi Box designs and why healthy indoor air matters. Photo Credit: Festucarubra / Wikipedia
The Community-Driven Evolution of Corsi Boxes - Maker Faire Bay Area

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GOSQAS - Open Source Medical Supplies

GOSQAS, a project of Open Source Medical Supplies and Public Invention, is a free-libre, open-source software for distributed tracking. It was developed to support distributed manufacturers in documenting internal processes and end-user feedback.

What Inspired You to Make This?

This project was inspired by the pressing need to address infectious aerosols and the detrimental effects of wildfire smoke on indoor environments