Maker Faire Orange County 2023

Light Painting Stick

Home: California, United States

Light painting is a photographic technique in which exposures are made by moving a light source while taking a long exposure photograph. The Light Painting Stick uses an array of densely packed RGB LEDs to produce vibrant and realistic images.
Light Painting Stick - Maker Faire Orange County


Richard Truong - Maker Faire Yearbook Photo

Richard Truong

All work and no light painting makes Richard a dull boy. All work and no light painting makes Richard a dullboy. All work and no light painting makes Richard a dull boy. Allworkand no lightpainting makesRichard a dull boy. All work and no lightpainting makes Richard a dullboy. All work and no light painting makes Richard a dull boy.

What Inspired You to Make This?

Hobby in photography