Maker Faire Lynchburg 2024


Home: Virginia, United States

Hacksburg is a makerspace in Blacksburg, VA. Hacksburg members will be showing off projects completed in our workshop, including a robotic eyeball, ultrasonic levitator, tabletop arcade cabinet, foam armor, and more.
Hacksburg - Maker Faire Lynchburg 2024


Hacksburg Maker Photo


Hacksburg is a non-profit Makerspace located in Blacksburg, VA. Hacksburg is meant to be an accessible and collaborative resource for building anything from rockets to robots to rocking chairs.

What Inspired You to Make This?

After speaking with Adam Spontarelli at a combat robotics competition in 2018, I was excited to learn more about Vector Space and found out about the Maker Faire, and decided to submit. 2019, 2022, and 2023 were great, and we are looking forward to this year's Maker Faire.