Maker Faire Rome 2023
Costume Di Scena Automatico per Danzatori e Artisti
A costume with integrated LEDs that light up and change color based on its position: this is the core of a project designed specifically to provide performers with an innovative tool. The costume detects the position, and every movement gently modifies the shades, colors, and light intensity. This dynamic response is governed by specific programmable rules. The scenic effect is extraordinary, both during rapid movements and slow movements, eliciting wonder from the audience about the connection between movement and the device's response

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Giorgio Liberini
Giorgio Liberini: Born in Fermo in 1981, he graduated in electronics and telecommunications from ITIS Montani. Currently working as an IT systems manager at a multinational jewelry production company. He has always been passionate about electronics, robotics, and physics, and in 2017, he started exploring 3D printing and digital manufacturing, initiating his first projects. Recently, he has ventured into the field of theater and began collaborating with EARTES CUM PANIS, developing projects for technological stage props.