Maker Faire Bay Area 2023

Combat Robots

Home: California, United States

Combat robot club on a mission to expand the sport by helping others learn all about sport. We also host events in the Bay Area to see if you robot has what it takes to compete against other amazing designs of engineering marvels. Lets us help you learn about 3D modeling to precision scale. Then taking those designs to the next level of 3D printing and CNC manufacturing. Next you can learn how to chose the perfect electronics like drive and weapon motors to power your creation. At our events you can compete against top level competitors. Some of our club members have even been on the show BattleBot.
Combat Robots - Maker Faire Bay Area

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Bay Area Robotic Combat

We are a club of combat robot makers and competitors of events all around the world. Our robots are similar to the 250 pound robots on the show battlebot show but smaller in size. There are different weight classes in the sport, 1#, 3#, 12#, #30, #6