Maker Faire Rome 2023
Carbonium - LISA
LISA is a museum video guide in sign language, a device that allows deaf visitors to take advantage of the otherwise inaccessible insights of audio guides, using artificial intelligence algorithms to recognize works of art. LISA is an open source project, and is intended to be easily configurable and adaptable to individual museums.
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Carbonium was born during the hackathon of the national finals of the Genoa 2022 Robotics Olympiad, which ignited in Giuseppe Lapietra and Giulio Gismondi the desire to found a reality composed of makers willing to innovate and grow together. Since then the collective has expanded and broadened its horizons, focusing on more projects and including individuals of the most diverse ages and skills. LISA is a project of 16-year-olds Andrea Tarasca, Giulio Gismondi and Paolo Vairo, all students at the Liceo Scientifico Amaldi high school in Bitetto (BA), where the idea was born and developed.