Maker Faire Bay Area 2023
Building machines to explore cell behavior
Home: California, United States
We usually think of learning and decision making as something that only animals with brains can do. but even single cells can perform a surprising array of apparently purposeful behavior, and can even show basic forms of learning. We have been building homemade devices, controlled by arduinos, that use stepper motors to deliver calibrated stimuli to cells, allowing us to monitor their response. Using these homebrew devices, we can show that cells are able to learn, and do simple experiments to explore how they learn. In this demonstration, visitors will be able to operate the devices using buttons and switches, and see the effects on cells in real time under a USB microscope. This project shows that with a few electronic parts and an arduino, you can build equipment in your garage th Project Photos
Wallace Marshall
I am an electrical engineer by training but now I work as a cell biologist and professor of biochemistry. I do electronics as a hobby, and I have managed to combine my interests in biology and electronics by building devices to study the behavior o