Maker Faire Rome 2023

OfficineApogeo - laboratori a domicilio

OffcineApogeo developed chemistry, physics and biology experimental kits for teaching. Using the kits teachers can perform each experiment in autonomy within an hour. Every kit has two editions: one for the teacher, for bench demonstration, the second for the class, so the students can perform hands-on experiments.
OfficineApogeo - laboratori a domicilio - Maker Faire


OfficineApogeo srls Maker Photo

OfficineApogeo srls

OfficineApogeo was established to dedicate itself to science dissemination; main activities: Scientific outreach: design and management of scientific exhibitions (such as "Superconductivity and Applications", "energy=E=Einstein", Future Energy); design and turnkey production of exhibits for TV programmes and museums; Experimental education: services dedicated to schools wishing to supplement their own laboratory activities: since 1997 the 'home laboratory' has been requested by more than 200 schools and has more than 12,000 hours of activity Design, production and sale of instrumentation for science education.