Maker Faire Rome 2023

City Vibe

This project is a hardware-software platform that aims at optimizing street lighting through the use of LoRa (long-range) communication technology. Electronics and sensors detect the passage of vehicles on a road section. A central computer determines the optimal light intensity that a road section should receive during low-light hours. Thanks to this technology, it is possible to enable dynamic street lighting according to traffic, with evident energy savings, especially if applied on a large scale. (Collaboration of ITS Academy Meccatronico Veneto and GDS spa)
Categories: Technology,
City Vibe - Maker Faire

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ITS Academy Meccatronico Veneto Maker Photo

ITS Academy Meccatronico Veneto

B.A., B. L., C. D., D. D., G. I., C. S., C. M., DG. A., M. F., M. N., P. A. are all ITS Academy Meccatronico Veneto, via Legione Gallieno 52, 36100 Vicenza F.F.P. is their supervisor with experience in electronics, computer science, medical imaging, and data science for nearly 20 years