Maker Faire Yearbook 2023
Востановление культурного наследния
Faire: Chisinau
Maker: Максим Мардарь
Home: Moldova
Robotics Societies of Southern California: Long Beach & Riverside
Faire: Los Angeles
Maker: Robotics Societies of Southern California, Long Beach, Riverside
Home: California, United States
Mini 3D Printed Arcade
Faire: Orange County
Maker: Ryan Riley
Home: California, United States
Henry Martin’s Marvelous Machines
Faire: Milwaukee
Maker: Henry Martin
Home: Wisconsin, United States
LToy Creations
Faire: Orange County
Maker: Jamison Toy
Home: California, United States – Lămpi personalizae 3D
Faire: Chisinau
Maker: Vlad Petre
Home: Moldova
Voron Design
Faire: Orange County
Maker: Voron Design
Home: California, United States
3d printing
Faire: Tulsa
Maker: Nathan Earnest
Home: Oklahoma, United States
Make: Magazine
Faire: Bay Area
Maker: Make:
Home: California, United States
Rasp-E 🌱
Faire: CDMX (Mexico City)
Maker: MoonMakers y 330ohms
Home: Hidalgo, Mexico
LA3D Club
Faire: Orange County
Maker: LA3D Club
Home: California, United States
Востановление культурного наследния
Faire: Chisinau
Maker: Максим Мардарь
Home: Moldova
You Are Not Here
Faire: Hudson Valley
Maker: Trouble
Home: New York, United States
Garage – Startup Incubator by Simpals
Faire: Chisinau
Maker: Игорь Мясников
Home: Moldova
Henry Martin Marvelous Machines
Faire: Lake County
Maker: Donald Martin
Home: Wisconsin, United States
OpenPipes Revolutionizes the DIY Pipe Organs
Faire: Rome
Maker: OpenPipes
Home: Argentina
Faire: Baton Rouge
Maker: DEFCON225
Home: Louisiana, United States
Learn Binary with BLT
Faire: Downtown Columbia
Maker: Elie Rosen
Home: Maryland, United States
Robotic Quadrupeds
Faire: Bay Area
Maker: Laksh & Akshat
Home: California, United States
The Riverside Robotics Society
Faire: Orange County
Maker: The Riverside Robotics Society
Home: California, United States
Faire: Rochester
Maker: Deepali Gaur
Home: New Jersey, United States
Making Music with CircuitPython and the Raspberry Pi Pico!
Faire: Pensacola
Maker: NULL
Home: Florida, United States