Maker Faire Yearbook 2023
Lifeshell, una soluzione per i terremoti
Faire: Rome
Maker: CNR IBE - Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche Istituto per la Bioeconomia
ELIO IOT: The most complete IOT development board
Faire: Rome
Maker: Maestry Srl
Faire: Rome
Maker: Kristijan Nelkovski
Opening Technologies for Smart Communities
Faire: Rome
Maker: WeMake S.r.l.
Paste extruder for Bio 3D Printing
Faire: Delft
Maker: Stichting Junai Foundation
Home: south holland, Nederland
De Maker a emprendedor
Faire: Mexicali
Maker: Andres Sabas
Home: Aguascalientes, Mexico
Open Hardware workshop: Paper craft meets Internet of Things
Faire: Delft
Maker: Delft Open Hardware
Home: Zuid holland, Nederland
Faire: Rome
Maker: Pizza Robotics
Piaccadino^2 – titolatore automatico per alimenti
Faire: Rome
Maker: Università degli Studi della Tuscia
SciStarter: People Powered Science
Faire: Los Angeles
Maker: SciStarter
Home: Arizona, United States
Ghostbusters fvg
Faire: Trieste
Maker: Ghostbusters fvg
Home: Fvg, Italy
The Electronic Jug Band
Faire: Rome
Maker: Rick MacDonald
All things 3D
Faire: Downtown Columbia
Maker: Asif Noor
Home: Maryland, United States
Social and Autonomous robots: the MARRtino family
Faire: Rome
Maker: Fabio Ferrarin
Global Distributed Tracking (GDT)
Faire: Bay Area
Maker: Global Open Source Quality Assurance System (GOSQAS)
Home: California, United States
Slammer: Un robot rover autonomo, nato come progetto per imparare la robotica e ROS 2
Faire: Rome
Maker: Pizza Robotics
Unleashing Creativity – 3D Printed NFT Artwork
Faire: Milwaukee
Maker: Semone Love
Home: Wisconsin, United States
Betty9 Sings!
Faire: Orange County
Maker: Thomas Messerschmidt
Home: California, United States
Retro is the Future
Faire: Delft
Maker: marcel knotter
Home: zuid holland, Nederland
The DIY Magic of Amateur Radio – American Radio Relay League
Faire: Rocklin
Maker: ARRL Sacramento Valley Section
Home: California, United States
HARE, motor control board – Making mobile robots development easy
Faire: Rome
Maker: Pizza Robotics
” Ascolta la vita ! “
Faire: Rome
Maker: Luciano Fumagalli
Lidar a basso costo
Faire: Rome
Maker: Giorgio Liberini
CERIT – Centar za edukaciju, robotiku, inovacije i tehnologiju
Faire: Sarajevo
Maker: Anes Hadžiomerović
Home: Hercegovačko-neretvanski, Bosnia and Herzegovina