Maker Faire Yearbook 2023


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Lifeshell, una soluzione per i terremoti

Faire: Rome

Maker: CNR IBE - Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche Istituto per la Bioeconomia


LifeShell is a wooden desk capable of resisting building collapses, providing a safe shell. It is a safe shelter equipped with life-saving accessories, engineered for schools, houses, enterprises. It is ecological, economic, recyclable and released under the creative commons license. In 2023 – 2025 a funded project will develop the aesthetic and ergonomic design, we will test the desk impact resistance, we will gather a collection of hints from students on their ideal desk, we will keep sharing the project for free and without patents with a bottom-up and citizen science approach.

ELIO IOT: The most complete IOT development board

Faire: Rome

Maker: Maestry Srl


ELIO is a special set of electronic boards dedicated to teaching and prototyping of electronic projects through visual programming. ELIO IOT is the "brain" of the ELIO ecosystem and is the most complete board on the market based on the new ESP32-S3 microcontroller. ELIO PLAY is the visual editor that allows you to program boards simply by dragging and combining a large set of logic commands.


Faire: Rome

Maker: Kristijan Nelkovski


ROVRDUINO is a small rover platform powered by an ATmega328 microcontroller. Much like the Arduino UNO, the ROVRDUINO has a "REV3" style footprint with the same headers capable of using existing Arduino shields and modules. This little robot features a variety of onboard sensors and can be programmed using the Arduino IDE. Because ROVRDUINO is intended to be a DIY kit, it can be easily soldered and assembled in just a single afternoon. While the ROVRDUINO doesn't require any advanced knowledge of electronics or microcontrollers, it can be modded and upgraded with all kinds of innovative ideas.

Opening Technologies for Smart Communities

Faire: Rome

Maker: WeMake S.r.l.


WeMake, fablab and makerspace in Milan, presents projects developed with different technologies and different impacts but share the same goal: to provide communities with tools and knowledge useful for the development of digital objects and services for the common good. Specifically, WeMake was involved in research and development in the IoT projects: - in the agricultural sector we have developed modules to save water and other resources; - in the civil field we tested a monitoring system of a distributed network through LoRa modules; - in the social field we have developed a wearable that helps connecting people in real life through simple non verbal communication defined by personal preferences and activities. At Maker Faire 2023 WeMake will present three physical prototypes.

Paste extruder for Bio 3D Printing

Faire: Delft

Maker: Stichting Junai Foundation

Home: south holland, Nederland

Junai haalt inspiratie uit de natuur om gebruiksvriendelijke oplossingen te ontwikkelen die de kloof overbruggen tussen door de mens gemaakte producten en onze omgeving. Wij zijn een stichting gericht op het maken van 3D-printers, kits en materialen om te ontwerpen en te experimenteren met thuiscomposteerbare biomaterialen.

De Maker a emprendedor

Faire: Mexicali

Maker: Andres Sabas

Home: Aguascalientes, Mexico

Como puedes iniciar una empresa con proyectos maker o de hobby. Desde mi experiencia al crear una empresa Maker basada en open source y hardware abierto hasta como otras personas podrían hacer lo mismo con sus proyectos

Open Hardware workshop: Paper craft meets Internet of Things

Faire: Delft

Maker: Delft Open Hardware

Home: Zuid holland, Nederland

Tijdens deze workshop bouw je een papieren internet signaal. Door een kleine wifi microcontroller met een servo motor te verbinden gaat er een nieuwe wereld voor je open. Je kan signalen die eerst alleen digitaal waren ineens fysiek voor je zien veranderen!


Faire: Rome

Maker: Pizza Robotics


nanosaur is a simple open-source robot based on NVIDIA Jetson. The robot is fully 3D printable, able to wander on your desk autonomously, and uses a simple camera and two OLEDs — these act as a pair of eyes. It measures a compact 10x12x6cm and it weighs only 500g

Piaccadino^2 – titolatore automatico per alimenti

Faire: Rome

Maker: Università degli Studi della Tuscia


Piaccadino^2 is an affordable automatic titrator for analyzing organic acids in plant tissues. It uses Arduino, a pH probe, a thermoresistor, and a stepper motor. Improvements include enhanced precision, wireless connectivity, and Python programmability. Suitable for research and education, it offers a low-cost and customizable solution for more accurate and reproducible titrations.

SciStarter: People Powered Science

Faire: Los Angeles

Maker: SciStarter

Home: Arizona, United States

Become a Citizen Scientist with SciStarter by participating in projects that push real scientific research forward! Together, we can document biodiversity, track climate change, accelerate Alzheimer's research, and so much more. All ages are welcome!

Ghostbusters fvg

Faire: Trieste

Maker: Ghostbusters fvg

Home: Fvg, Italy

Direttamente dal mondo ectoplasmatico pronti per stupirvi e render felici bambini e non..siamo pronti a credere in voi!

The Electronic Jug Band

Faire: Rome

Maker: Rick MacDonald


An exhibit showing how to use the latest low cost microcontroller and sensor technologies to create DIY electronic music instruments. The design and building of such instruments is a hands-on learning experience in both maker electronics and music concepts. The idea is similar to the creation of a Jug Band in the mid 1900s where individuals used household materials to create their instruments and then played them together to make music. In this case however the use of modern electronics provides many more possibilities and a much larger scope for creativity.

All things 3D

Faire: Downtown Columbia

Maker: Asif Noor

Home: Maryland, United States

3D Printed Art. Converting 2D drawings into 3D models. 3D Printing Architecture and GIS Maps. 3D printing and robotics. Education, Engineering, Science.

Social and Autonomous robots: the MARRtino family

Faire: Rome

Maker: Fabio Ferrarin


Innovators by vocation, making use of the collaboration with the Department of Automatic and Management Computer Engineering of the La Sapienza University of Rome, we work for the growth of the MARRtino family. In the space of a few years the family has expanded and perfected it by creating prototypes of educational and "useful" robots. Everything is open source (hardware and software) so it can be extended in any direction without constraints, an evolutionary robot as we usually define it. Based on ROS, a professional software (ROS) used in the best MARRtino research centers has been implemented and tested to perform many typical Robotics and Artificial Intelligence tasks, such as intelligent navigation, human-robot spoken interaction, image analysis.

Global Distributed Tracking (GDT)

Faire: Bay Area

Maker: Global Open Source Quality Assurance System (GOSQAS)

Home: California, United States

GDT is a free software implemented as a website ( that any Maker can use to get a unique QR Sticker (and URL) for their product. By just pointing a phone at the sticker, people enjoying your project can upload an image or some words to tell you how much they love your project. This creates a fully encrypted, indelibly timestamped “provenance.” Only people who handle your project can see this provenance—not even us, and not even you, if you lose the URL! Although designed for global tracking of medical devices, we think Makers will love collecting anonymous feedback that stays with the project—even if it is gifted, sold, or shared in some other way. Our plan is to print sheets of stickers and give them away for free to Makers to make it super-easy!

Slammer: Un robot rover autonomo, nato come progetto per imparare la robotica e ROS 2

Faire: Rome

Maker: Pizza Robotics


A rover robot built as a learnign platform for robotics. Based on several open source technologies (like ROS 2), it is also used as a development platform for uNav(, an advanced, open, motor control platform for robotic applications. This robot uses several sensors (Depth camera, lidar, IMU & GPS) to sense the surrounding environment, map and navigate autonomously, avoiding obstacles.AI Real-Time Object Detection algorithms are used to detect objects in the surrounding environment.

Unleashing Creativity – 3D Printed NFT Artwork

Faire: Milwaukee

Maker: Semone Love

Home: Wisconsin, United States

Welcome to a new dimension of artistry where innovation meets imagination. Discover how 3D printing and blockchain technology converge to create awe-inspiring NFT artworks. Learn how to transform physical masterpieces into unique, verifiable, assest

Betty9 Sings!

Faire: Orange County

Maker: Thomas Messerschmidt

Home: California, United States

Betty9 is an animatronic robot built from a manikin. I seeded GPT with a prompt which had over 50 personality specifications. With this, she has an artificial personality. She is for all intent and purpose sentient--artificially sentient.

Retro is the Future

Faire: Delft

Maker: marcel knotter

Home: zuid holland, Nederland

Laat het verleden en de toekomst samen komen. Retro is the Future! Onderdelen en spullen die normaal naar het grof vuil zouden gaan, worden door mij gebruikt om prototypes te bouwen, of complete machines te bouwen. Hiermee probeer ik oude spellen en oude hardware een nieuw leven te geven. Zo kan de jeugd en de oudere generatie samen genieten van simpele spellen die iedereen kan begrijpen en spelen. Het zorgt letterlijk voor een connectie tussen het oude en het nieuwe. mijn doelstelling is dan ook inspiratie geven aan iedereen die interesse heeft. Het kan door iedereen die handig is als gemakkelijk zelf gemaakt worden. Een leuke hobby, lowbudget en eco vriendelijk entertainment.

The DIY Magic of Amateur Radio – American Radio Relay League

Faire: Rocklin

Maker: ARRL Sacramento Valley Section

Home: California, United States

Radio hams were the original Makers & Hackers, using new, used & scavenged parts to make transmitters, receivers & antennas capable of communicating with other hams anywhere on Earth. Amateur radio was the original social media and also offers opportunities to contribute to scientific and technical advancement, disaster preparedness and public safety. Visit our booth for a hands-on experience in the fascinating world of ham radio!

HARE, motor control board – Making mobile robots development easy

Faire: Rome

Maker: Pizza Robotics


This board is designed to simplify the life of robotic developers and mainly ROS 2 roboticists. Hare motor control board is an open source and open hardware design and it is built around RP2040 microcontroller. It allows to control till 4 dc motors with closed loop on encoders and a 6 axis imu with sensor fusion. The board can be programmed in Arduino or Micropython and it is compatible with microros and ros2_amr_interface. Motors power supply range is 7.4V to 15V. It is possible to expand the board via I2C and UART. It is also possible to debug code using the SWD interface.

” Ascolta la vita ! “

Faire: Rome

Maker: Luciano Fumagalli


ANGELO is an open source hearing device that promotes access to hearing care for seniors and in LMICs. With over 1.5 billion people suffering from hearing loss, often linked to cases of dementia, it represents an inclusive, economical and customizable solution: a change within reach for millions of people. In summary, ANGELO is an equalized amplifier, which allows you to selectively enhance the relevant auditory frequencies, improving the understanding of speech and the perception of emotions related to sound.

Lidar a basso costo

Faire: Rome

Maker: Giorgio Liberini


This is a simple LiDAR with a TF-LUNA proximity sensor. The sensor accurately measures distances up to 5 meters using TOF technology and rotates thanks to a stepper motor. The NodeMCU coordinates calibration, rotation, and the collection of the point cloud, which is then processed by a computer. Initially, the project was intended for a different purpose and was commissioned by the recently deceased Professor Luigi Pagliarini, a pioneer in integrating robotics into art. All mechanical components were 3D printed.

CERIT – Centar za edukaciju, robotiku, inovacije i tehnologiju

Faire: Sarajevo

Maker: Anes Hadžiomerović

Home: Hercegovačko-neretvanski, Bosnia and Herzegovina

CERIT iz Mostara predstavit će svoje robote s kojim su pobjedili na Međunarodnoj robotičkoj olimpijadi. Želite li ukrasiti svoju maskicu telefona grbom voljenog kluba, drage osobe, potražite naš štand. Budite i vi dio naše priče!