Maker Faire Yearbook 2023


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Found 163 Results

Making Music with CircuitPython and the Raspberry Pi Pico!

Faire: Pensacola

Maker: NULL

Home: Florida, United States

Ever dream of making your own synthesizer, drum machine, sampler, or MIDI controller? Come explore and experiment with digital synthesis using the simple yet capable programming language CircuitPython and the inexpensive yet powerful Raspberry Pi Pico.

Null Beam: a 6 foot, 11-string aluminum electric concept instrument

Faire: Rochester

Maker: Jon Peck

Home: New York, United States

Play a home-made Beam instrument, inspired by Mickey Hart of the Grateful Dead. Built from T6 Aluminum, strung with piano wire, and amplified with humbuckers and piezoelectric contact mics, the Null Beam is an experimental sonic playground.

Crea tu propio sistema de iluminación inteligente con Raspberry Pi y ahorra energía

Faire: CDMX (Mexico City)

Maker: Miguel Urbina

Home: Sta María la Ribera, Cuauhtémoc, Mexico

Aprende a crear tu propio sistema de iluminación desde cero. Programa la Raspberry Pi Pico para encender la luz con un sensor de movimiento, descubre los principios básicos de la electrónica y la programación con un proyecto sencillo y divertido.

LA3D Club

Faire: Orange County

Maker: LA3D Club

Home: California, United States

We will be showing how to make photos with a regular smartphone so they can be viewed in 3D. We will also be showing work that the club does in 3D such as 3D movies and photographs. We will bring 3D viewers from the last century to modern ones.

All things 3D

Faire: Downtown Columbia

Maker: Asif Noor

Home: Maryland, United States

3D Printed Art. Converting 2D drawings into 3D models. 3D Printing Architecture and GIS Maps. 3D printing and robotics. Education, Engineering, Science.

RoboTeam Twente

Faire: Delft

Maker: RoboTeam Twente

Home: Overijssel, Nederland

RoboTeam Twente is een multidisciplinair studententeam van de Universiteit Twente. Wij streven ernaar om te innoveren en te inspireren in het veld van Robotica en Kunstmatige Intelligentie. Wij ontwikkelen autonome voetbalrobots voor de RoboCup!

Biosphere Solar

Faire: Delft

Maker: Biosphere Solar

Home: Zuid Holland, Nederland

Zonnepanelen zijn voor een duurzame toekomst een van de belangrijkste technologieën. Echter is de manier waarop zonnepanelen vandaag de dag geproduceerd en gebruikt worden verre van duurzaam. Ook staat het ontwerp van het paneel het niet toe om de componenten weer uit elkaar te halen, waardoor zelfs bij recycling vele kritieke materialen verloren gaan. Om perspectief te bieden voor een betere toekomst is er dus drastisch een nieuw ontwerp van zonnepanelen nodig. Hieraan werkt de Delftse start-up Biosphere Solar!

Social and Autonomous robots: the MARRtino family

Faire: Rome

Maker: Fabio Ferrarin


Innovators by vocation, making use of the collaboration with the Department of Automatic and Management Computer Engineering of the La Sapienza University of Rome, we work for the growth of the MARRtino family. In the space of a few years the family has expanded and perfected it by creating prototypes of educational and "useful" robots. Everything is open source (hardware and software) so it can be extended in any direction without constraints, an evolutionary robot as we usually define it. Based on ROS, a professional software (ROS) used in the best MARRtino research centers has been implemented and tested to perform many typical Robotics and Artificial Intelligence tasks, such as intelligent navigation, human-robot spoken interaction, image analysis.

Connecting to Our World Through Citizen Science

Faire: WNY Regional

Maker: Mike Jabot

Home: New York, United States

Stop by and see how you can contribute to our understanding of the world around us through citizen science. We will be exploring a number of different tools across the day so swing by and check out the schedule of events for the day.

Subliminal Story Art

Faire: Central Oregon

Maker: Mark Jamnik

Home: Oregon, United States

Subliminal Story Art connects below the threshold of consciousness, inspired by accounts of everyday life expressed through the artist’s interpretation. Learn more about art infused with inspiration, connection & meaning at

Máquina de mirar y escuchar

Faire: CDMX (Mexico City)

Maker: Audiomáquinas

Home: CDMX, Mexico

Se trata de una instalación conformada de cuatro máquinas, donde cada una cuenta con un conjunto de flipbooks motorizados para dar vida y movimiento a una serie de imágenes que narran diferentes historias.

Erogatore mangimi solidi e liquidi per volatili.

Faire: Rome

Maker: IIS Tito Sarrocchi


"Solid and liquid feed dispenser" was designed to solve the problem of feeding our domestic birds during the holidays and, therefore, away from our property. This electronic type device would be able to distribute a certain portion of feed per day, decided in advance by us and to supply the liquid container with water, from which the birds can drink.

Noisebridge Hackerspace

Faire: Bay Area

Maker: Noisebridge Hackerspace

Home: California, United States

We are bringing a few different demos and projects from different guilds at noisebridge. -Simbridge, our VR simulated version of noisebridge. -Flaschen Taschen mini- a small chunk of Flaschen Taschen -Robotics guild roomba -Sewing Guild AI designed Quilt

Global Distributed Tracking (GDT)

Faire: Bay Area

Maker: Global Open Source Quality Assurance System (GOSQAS)

Home: California, United States

GDT is a free software implemented as a website ( that any Maker can use to get a unique QR Sticker (and URL) for their product. By just pointing a phone at the sticker, people enjoying your project can upload an image or some words to tell you how much they love your project. This creates a fully encrypted, indelibly timestamped “provenance.” Only people who handle your project can see this provenance—not even us, and not even you, if you lose the URL! Although designed for global tracking of medical devices, we think Makers will love collecting anonymous feedback that stays with the project—even if it is gifted, sold, or shared in some other way. Our plan is to print sheets of stickers and give them away for free to Makers to make it super-easy!

The Electronic Jug Band

Faire: Rome

Maker: Rick MacDonald


An exhibit showing how to use the latest low cost microcontroller and sensor technologies to create DIY electronic music instruments. The design and building of such instruments is a hands-on learning experience in both maker electronics and music concepts. The idea is similar to the creation of a Jug Band in the mid 1900s where individuals used household materials to create their instruments and then played them together to make music. In this case however the use of modern electronics provides many more possibilities and a much larger scope for creativity.

Internet of Production Alliance, World Manufacturing Map.

Faire: CDMX (Mexico City)

Home: Chiapas, Mexico

Dada la tecnología actual y emergente, ¿cómo sería la producción si la reconfiguráramos desde cero? Creemos que la respuesta está en la fabricación local, sostenible y globalmente conectada. Únete a nosotros y sé parte del futuro de la fabricación.

Betty9 Sings!

Faire: Orange County

Maker: Thomas Messerschmidt

Home: California, United States

Betty9 is an animatronic robot built from a manikin. I seeded GPT with a prompt which had over 50 personality specifications. With this, she has an artificial personality. She is for all intent and purpose sentient--artificially sentient.

Artplots Drawing Robots

Faire: Rocklin

Maker: Michael Morris

Home: California, United States

I am excited to share the mesmerizing world of pen plotter drawing robots, these robots are programmed to create intricate artwork using pens. Translating digital designs into stunning physical masterpieces, the combination of technology, creativity, and precision offers an engaging and educational experience.

Opening Technologies for Smart Communities

Faire: Rome

Maker: WeMake S.r.l.


WeMake, fablab and makerspace in Milan, presents projects developed with different technologies and different impacts but share the same goal: to provide communities with tools and knowledge useful for the development of digital objects and services for the common good. Specifically, WeMake was involved in research and development in the IoT projects: - in the agricultural sector we have developed modules to save water and other resources; - in the civil field we tested a monitoring system of a distributed network through LoRa modules; - in the social field we have developed a wearable that helps connecting people in real life through simple non verbal communication defined by personal preferences and activities. At Maker Faire 2023 WeMake will present three physical prototypes.

I Can Feel My Legs

Faire: Rome

Maker: Gaetano Carlino


I Can Feel My Legs is a lower limb prosthesis whose purpose is to help people who have disabilities and/or difficulties in walking. What we present is the first working prototype showing toe movement that is done through the use of a wearable sock, for the initial acquisition of movement that will then be implemented through a self-learning neural network in order to improve its efficiency and responsiveness, which will be able to simulate toe movement.

Compostable homeware by Yusufova

Faire: Delft

Maker: Nedji yusufova

Home: South Holland, Nederland

Door gebruik te maken van 3D-printen met thuiscomposteerbare biomaterialen, heeft Yusufova een reeks zeer aanpasbare en toegankelijke designerproducten ontwikkeld die zowel esthetisch als milieubewust zijn.

San Diego Nerf Club

Faire: Orange County

Maker: San Diego Nerf Club

Home: California, United States

We are the San Diego Nerf Club! We build nerf blasters with hardware and 3d printing then go and compete with them.


Faire: Hudson Valley

Maker: Jeeno Joseph

Home: New York, United States

Bharatanatyam is an Indian dance form origninating from the south Indian state of Tamil Nadu. It is a dance dating back several centuries which relies on the dancer's dynamic use of eye movements, facial expressions, mudras, and rhythmic footwork.

ICTP Scientific FabLab

Faire: Trieste

Maker: Carlo Fonda

Home: FVG, Italy

Venite a conoscere il laboratorio di fabbricazione digitale del Centro di Fisica Teorica (ICTP): stampanti 3D, taglio laser, frese CNC, prototipazione elettronica, robotica, costruzione di apparati per ricerca, didattica e divulgazione della scienza. Un laboratorio in cui la parola d'ordine è innovazione, la ricetta segreta è creatività e la risorsa più preziosa sono le persone che lo frequentano.