Maker Faire Yearbook 2023


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Found 163 Results

Opening Technologies for Smart Communities

Faire: Rome

Maker: WeMake S.r.l.


WeMake, fablab and makerspace in Milan, presents projects developed with different technologies and different impacts but share the same goal: to provide communities with tools and knowledge useful for the development of digital objects and services for the common good. Specifically, WeMake was involved in research and development in the IoT projects: - in the agricultural sector we have developed modules to save water and other resources; - in the civil field we tested a monitoring system of a distributed network through LoRa modules; - in the social field we have developed a wearable that helps connecting people in real life through simple non verbal communication defined by personal preferences and activities. At Maker Faire 2023 WeMake will present three physical prototypes.

Space Palette Pro – A New Casual Instrument

Faire: Bay Area

Maker: Tim Thompson

Home: California, United States

The Space Palette Pro is the latest iteration of the 'casual instrument' style of interactive installation that I've been developing for the last decade. Similar to casual games, casual instruments provide immediately entertaining and satisfying results, with the potential for deeply expressive exploration. This latest version uses the Sensel Morph, a multitouch surface with extreme pressure-sensitivity. By finger-painting on these pads, you simultaneously play music and generate visuals. No pre-recorded media, sequences, or loops are used – everything is generated in realtime by your hands. Much of the project has been open-sourced.

Osservare l’invisibile: Cloud Chamber DIY

Faire: Trieste

Maker: Marco Baruzzo

Home: FVG, Italy

Vuoi vedere l'invisibile che ci circonda? Ti è mai capitato di vedere le particelle che ci attraversano in ogni momento? No? La nostra camera a nebbia ti permetterà di vedere con i tuoi occhi le particelle elementari di cui hai tanto sentito parlare dai fisici ma che nessuno è mai stato capace di mostrarti!! Uno strumento per rallentarle, uno strumento per fermarle e nel buio... rivelarle.

Internet of Production Alliance, World Manufacturing Map.

Faire: CDMX (Mexico City)

Home: Chiapas, Mexico

Dada la tecnología actual y emergente, ¿cómo sería la producción si la reconfiguráramos desde cero? Creemos que la respuesta está en la fabricación local, sostenible y globalmente conectada. Únete a nosotros y sé parte del futuro de la fabricación.

Open Hardware workshop: Paper craft meets Internet of Things

Faire: Delft

Maker: Delft Open Hardware

Home: Zuid holland, Nederland

Tijdens deze workshop bouw je een papieren internet signaal. Door een kleine wifi microcontroller met een servo motor te verbinden gaat er een nieuwe wereld voor je open. Je kan signalen die eerst alleen digitaal waren ineens fysiek voor je zien veranderen!

Open-source 4-shaft Weaving Loom

Faire: Delft

Maker: Asli Aydin Aksan

Home: Noord-Holland, Netherlands

This 4-shaft loom makes weaving textiles with more complex patterns available for experimental weavers and craftspeople because it is open source! You can change the tie-up pattern as you are weaving and collapse the loom to carry or store it.

GALDEANO, DIY Calculator with simbolic math

Faire: Rome

Maker: Angel Cabello


The heart of the machine is an esp32 with 4 Mb of SPI RAM. The PCB is a custom one, as it is the keyboard. The display (320x240) is an ili9341 with a touch sensor (resistance). It runs a custom micropython distribution with LVGL graphics with the math engine (Eigenmath) as a module. The program runs in the data partitions and it is easily customizable and extensible.

Arduino-based organ perfusion system.

Faire: Rome

Maker: IRCCS Policlinico S.Martino


Laboratory equipment could be expensive and their cost can be unsustainable for scientists with limited financial resources. In order to overcome these limits we build a scalable organ perfusion system for research purposes based on Arduino boards, pressure transducers, peristaltic pumps, a thermostatic unit, and a micro-oxygenator. Our system is designed to measure the mechanical properties of rat liver, however, it can be rearranged to perform other research on subnormothermic or hypothermic ex-vivo perfusion of liver and kidney or to realize peritoneal or isolated limb perfusion models.

The Hatrix Reloaded: Heritage augmented through research, immersivity, community, sustainability

Faire: Rome

Maker: Centro di ricerca DigiLab - Sapienza Università di Roma


The Hatrix Reloaded is a container of ideas, methodologies, prototyping, digital applications, able to guarantee the coverage of a complete supply chain in designing and implementing actions in the context of heritage: 3D printing activities in the archaeological and anthropological fields, VR uses for gamification and tourism through VR and body capture tools, interventions on potential and real cases of cultural projects, practical workshops on technologies and involvement, museum education and experiences with open source software, are some of the topical aspects. Enter The Hatrix!


Faire: Hudson Valley

Maker: Jeeno Joseph

Home: New York, United States

Bharatanatyam is an Indian dance form origninating from the south Indian state of Tamil Nadu. It is a dance dating back several centuries which relies on the dancer's dynamic use of eye movements, facial expressions, mudras, and rhythmic footwork.

SciStarter: People Powered Science

Faire: Los Angeles

Maker: SciStarter

Home: Arizona, United States

Become a Citizen Scientist with SciStarter by participating in projects that push real scientific research forward! Together, we can document biodiversity, track climate change, accelerate Alzheimer's research, and so much more. All ages are welcome!

” Ascolta la vita ! “

Faire: Rome

Maker: Luciano Fumagalli


ANGELO is an open source hearing device that promotes access to hearing care for seniors and in LMICs. With over 1.5 billion people suffering from hearing loss, often linked to cases of dementia, it represents an inclusive, economical and customizable solution: a change within reach for millions of people. In summary, ANGELO is an equalized amplifier, which allows you to selectively enhance the relevant auditory frequencies, improving the understanding of speech and the perception of emotions related to sound.

Slidebox guitars

Faire: Central Oregon

Maker: Jonathan Dailey

Home: Oregon, United States

Using a mix of contemporary and vintage materials, I build 3 stringed electrified cigar box guitars. I invite you to take over the creative process and keep the art alive by picking one up to play. The open tuning allows for anyone to learn.

Connecting to Our World Through Citizen Science

Faire: WNY Regional

Maker: Mike Jabot

Home: New York, United States

Stop by and see how you can contribute to our understanding of the world around us through citizen science. We will be exploring a number of different tools across the day so swing by and check out the schedule of events for the day.

HARE, motor control board – Making mobile robots development easy

Faire: Rome

Maker: Pizza Robotics


This board is designed to simplify the life of robotic developers and mainly ROS 2 roboticists. Hare motor control board is an open source and open hardware design and it is built around RP2040 microcontroller. It allows to control till 4 dc motors with closed loop on encoders and a 6 axis imu with sensor fusion. The board can be programmed in Arduino or Micropython and it is compatible with microros and ros2_amr_interface. Motors power supply range is 7.4V to 15V. It is possible to expand the board via I2C and UART. It is also possible to debug code using the SWD interface.

Find my Cat — A Beautiful GPS tracker for pets

Faire: Los Angeles

Maker: Sahas Chitlange

Home: Arizona, United States

How I built a GPS tracker to track my cat and why you should do it too. Come learn about my design and building process and how I use Design Thinking as a Maker.

Máquina de mirar y escuchar

Faire: CDMX (Mexico City)

Maker: Audiomáquinas

Home: CDMX, Mexico

Se trata de una instalación conformada de cuatro máquinas, donde cada una cuenta con un conjunto de flipbooks motorizados para dar vida y movimiento a una serie de imágenes que narran diferentes historias.

Otto Cardy robot

Faire: Rome

Maker: Claudio Gasparini


Otto Cardy, a low-cost walking cardboard robot that can be built and programmed using the videos and manual instructions. The instructions are designed to be easy to follow and do not require any special knowledge of electronics. Otto Cardy is a remake of the international Open Source project OttoDIY, using Google's Blockly for the Arduino. With micro:bit, Otto Cardy uses Microsoft MakeCode. The project aims to introduce primary and secondary school students to the world of coding and robot programming in a fun way, while also serving as an example of creative robotics. It's great to see initiatives like this that make technology more accessible and engaging for young learners. Otto Cardy can be built using both Arduino Nano and micro:bit.

Null Beam: a 6 foot, 11-string aluminum electric concept instrument

Faire: Syracuse

Maker: Jon Peck

Home: New York, United States

Play a home-made Beam instrument, inspired by Mickey Hart of the Grateful Dead. Built from T6 Aluminum, strung with piano wire, and amplified with humbuckers and piezoelectric contact mics, the Null Beam is an experimental sonic playground.

Circle Fermenter – Feeding communities

Faire: Rome

Maker: Matteo Cappellari


Circle fits into the free and self-powered cycle of the fermentation community with the desire not only to delight its palate, but to increase its exchanges and visions. This sanctions a true symbiosis: the community needs Circle for its preparations, Circle needs the community to develop and expand its horizons. A fermenter that emphasizes the feeling of sharing that food often gives. The nature of such a simple food transformation reflects the open source character of the project, which is designed for digital manufacturing.

The DIY Magic of Amateur Radio – American Radio Relay League

Faire: Rocklin

Maker: ARRL Sacramento Valley Section

Home: California, United States

Radio hams were the original Makers & Hackers, using new, used & scavenged parts to make transmitters, receivers & antennas capable of communicating with other hams anywhere on Earth. Amateur radio was the original social media and also offers opportunities to contribute to scientific and technical advancement, disaster preparedness and public safety. Visit our booth for a hands-on experience in the fascinating world of ham radio!


Faire: Baton Rouge

Maker: DEFCON225

Home: Louisiana, United States

DEF CON 225 (DC225) is a local DEF CON group for the 225 area code and surrounding areas composed of students, professionals, researchers, and hobbyists that meet and discuss current trends, topics, and research in the fields of computer security.

Dickens and you

Faire: Long Island

Maker: Port Jefferson Charles Dickens Street Performers

Home: New York, United States

Join us and come play. We will have costumes and props along with characters to interact with. Want to become a chimney sweep or a flower lady? What about a pickpocket. Come have fun. Great photo op fun.

Devcade | Computer Science House at RIT

Faire: Rochester

Maker: Computer Science House @ RIT

Home: New York, United States

A custom arcade cabinet build completely from scratch! Made by developers, for developers. Devcade integrates with the cloud to store games and save data remotely. Now featuring new features and games, come check it out and play!