Maker Faire Yearbook 2023


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Found 274 Results

Michi – Electronic Cats

Faire: CDMX (Mexico City)

Maker: Electronic Cats

Home: Aguascalientes, Mexico

Michi es una placa electronica que convierte objetos conductores en dispositivos táctiles programables. Ideal para preescolar y primaria por su fácil programación y manejo. ¡Transforma objetos en herramientas educativas interactivas!


Faire: CDMX (Mexico City)

Maker: Edukreativos

Home: Mexico, Mexico

El grupo Edukreativos Latinoamericanos invita a participar en distintos talleres lúdicos, creativos, científicos, tecnológicos, educativos, artísticos, donde usen su imaginación y su creatividad para realizar proyectos en beneficio del planeta Tierra

Aghetto: the first syringe that can be used with only one hand.

Faire: Rome

Maker: Aghetto srl


Aghetto S.r.l is a start up. Aghetto is a syringe that allows the operator to detach the cap from the needle and the needle from the syringe with just one hand and without the risk of accidental needle stick injuries. Common syringes, however, require two hands and also involve the risk of accidental punctures (risk of contracting HIV; Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C, Malaria and others). There are no similar syringes worldwide. The Aghetto syringe is internationally patented. There are no syringes similar to Aghetto worldwide.

Home Ecology Solutions Lab

Faire: Hudson Valley

Maker: Elinor Stapylton

Home: New York, United States

We work on accessible and low embodied energy solutions by conducting demonstration projects and workshops that work with nature. We build passive homes out of conventional and waste materials, as well as ecological greywater microbial fuel cells.

uAir – A personal CO2 Monitor

Faire: Rome

Maker: Xuelai Wei


uAir is a portable CO2 monitor for health-conscious individuals. It’s designed and engineered to be an on-bag product. It accurately senses carbon dioxide level and give information on temperature and humidity on an e-paper screen, for users to take action

500,000 volt Tesla Coil Demonstrations

Faire: Central Oregon

Maker: Don Anderson

Home: Oregon, United States

Tesla Coils generate 500,000 volt, 3 foot flaming bolts of man-made lightning, and we will demonstrate these and 9 other High Voltage devices. We will explain the science behind the beautiful and spectacular Arcs, Sparks and Corona discharges.

SciStarter: People Powered Science

Faire: Los Angeles

Maker: SciStarter

Home: Arizona, United States

Become a Citizen Scientist with SciStarter by participating in projects that push real scientific research forward! Together, we can document biodiversity, track climate change, accelerate Alzheimer's research, and so much more. All ages are welcome!

Bruce McKay, Jeweler and Gem Cutter

Faire: Central Oregon

Maker: Bruce McKay

Home: Oregon, United States

A longtime Bendite, Bruce McKay is a jeweler working in Gold, Silver and precious stones. He will be demonstrating the cutting, carving and polishing of Oregon agates and jaspers and will have jewelry and polished stones available for sale.

Kanatan Health Solutions Inc

Faire: Edmonton

Maker: Tasha Power

Home: Alberta, Canada

anatan Health Solutions is a 100% Indigenous Owned & Operated Corporation who focuses on honouring traditional Indigenous wisdom & style through sharing our unique culture through: Aromatherapy Products Bath & Body Care Products Handmade/Small Bat

De Residuos a Bioplásticos

Faire: Lisbon

Maker: BioLab Lisboa

Home: Lisboa, Portugal

Neste workshop vamos ensinar a fazer plásticos biodegradáveis, vamos abordar a sua fabricação através de resíduos alimentares! Com materiais facilmente acessíveis. Vais ter a oportunidade de produzir os teus bio-plásticos e de os transformares num objeto, ficas ainda com a receita para depois fazeres em casa variações.

Panteras Robótica

Faire: CDMX (Mexico City)

Maker: Panteras Robótica

Home: CDMX, Mexico

Somos un equipo de robótica de preparatoria, que tiene como meta que los jóvenes aprendan sobre la ciencia y tecnología, compitiendo a nivel internacional, usando herramientas y recursos sofisticados nivel industria.

Intelligenza artificiale come supporto alla diagnosi di epatocarcinoma

Faire: Rome

Maker: Sapienza Università di Roma


Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is the most common primary liver cancer worldwide. Early diagnosis is crucial to improve management and provide survival benefits to patients with HCC. We designed a Machine Learning (ML) and a Deep Learning (DL) for nuclei classification by using features extracted by immunofluorescence images. We demonstrated the ability of the proposed models to classify liver nuclei segmented by immunofluorescence images, thus suggesting a potential useful tool for pathologists in HCC diagnosis.


Faire: Rome

Maker: Ceramiche NOI S.c.a.r.l.


The "Antibacterial Plate" project stems from an important Research & Development phase that the company has already undertaken since 2020 during the pandemic. We wondered what could be needed in such a moment and what it could cope with in a market like ours to a pandemic but also to an improvement of catering and private environments.This is how the research and first prototyping phase of this project began, which saw the filing of a patent for a particular object which, due to its particularity, can reject up to 99% of the bacteria that deposit on it can be bacteria of various types and by imagining the various "passages" of dishes, for example in a restaurant or self-service restaurant or naval restaurant halls, we hypothesized that these objects could have an enormous plus compared to other identical but not antibacterial objects.We have therefore arrived at the laboratory certification of products both in single color and with antibacterial decorations and decals with a characteristic that resists the microwave oven and dishwasher for the entire life of the product without ever failing up to at its breakup. This product is extremely innovative as it can be used in many areas, both private and public, to increase hygiene and above all to counteract the spread of bacteria in the kitchen and in refreshment areas without considering that being reusable after washing it is also highly environmental impact and reduces the use of "single portions" which are extremely polluting today.

Saddleback Valley Unified School District STEAM Academy

Faire: Orange County

Maker: SVUSD STEAM Academy

Home: California, United States

Saddleback Valley Unified School District STEAM Academy and CTE programs

Востановление культурного наследния

Faire: Chisinau

Maker: Максим Мардарь

Home: Moldova

3D реконструкция разрушенной часовни, которая стояла в г.Комрат. Посмотреть модель можно будет в AR отсканировав QR код, в месте, где находилась часовня.

Amy Rimmer Art

Faire: NW Arkansas

Maker: Amy Rimmer

Home: Arkansas, United States

My body of work is created through mixed mediums to explore nature, emotions and interactions with self and others in life.

A Reflective Intervention

Faire: Hudson Valley

Maker: Amanda Peckler

Home: New York, United States

A Reflective Intervention (2020), created by multimedia artist Amanda Peckler, is an interactive documentary and transmedia project that documents and engages Generation Z and how they define their most salient core beliefs.

Spireat un futuro sostenibile

Faire: Rome

Maker: algaria srl


the project we are presenting this year derives from the technological innovations presented in recent years and will lead to the request for a new patent, application presented in 2022. the project concerns the optimization of natural light on productions in open pond systems on the production of microalgae by improving the performance of production and returns on investment in technologies that are still not very mature, and which will also make it possible to improve the capture of CO2 which is already naturally efficient in microalgal production systems,

Toy and Electronics Take Apart

Faire: Central Oregon

Maker: Children's Museum of Central Oregon

Home: Oregon, United States

Come join the Children's Museum of Central Oregon as we take apart and look inside the electronic toys and devices in our lives. All tools provided and no experience necessary. Makers of all ages are welcome!

Padel lovers Italia

Faire: Rome

Maker: Vibora srl


We will involve the costumers and the padel player that will come to the expo, with events e media contenents; you will find our products and meets us for speaking about the padel, the new tecnologies and the launch of the new rackets

Nighthawk Naturalist School

Faire: Central Oregon

Maker: Nighthawk Naturalist School

Home: Oregon, United States

Nighthawk’s mission is to provide quality wilderness education in the Bend area. We hold classes for youth and adults: camps, workshops, immersions and homeschool. During these courses we teach ecology, natural history and Ethnobotany.

Biostimolanti per le colture ed i integratori per la salute umana da scarti della produzione del comparto ortofrutticolo

Faire: Rome

Maker: Sapienza Università di Roma


The goal is to propose to companies involved in the agricultural and nutraceutical-pharmaceutical sector an innovative process for the valorization of. Prototypes of biostimulants for crops and supplements for human health obtained from artichoke and cauliflower production waste, will be proposed. Waste from these products is still a concrete problem and a cost in terms of disposal for farms and processing companies. (Collaborazione DCTF-Sapienza, DAFNE-Tuscia, ISB-CNR, Ri-cicloHortho)


Faire: CDMX (Mexico City)

Maker: Kevin Espindola

Home: Ciudad de México, Mexico

Alquimétricos es una colección de juguetes didácticos de código abierto (open source). Son bloques para construir estructuras y aprender, a través del juego, sobre geometría, matemáticas, arquitectura, mecánica, física, química y mucho más

Ago Intelligente per la Diagnosi del Tumore della Prostata

Faire: Rome

Maker: Università degli Studi del Sannio - Benevento


Prostate cancer is one of the most common cancers in the male population and represents about 20% of all cancers diagnosed in men. Estimates in Italy speak of around 35,000 new cases a year, but the risk of the disease having an unfortunate outcome is low, especially if intervention is made in the initial stages. The system that we intend to present at Maker Faire Rome 2023, developed as part of the project 'BARTOLO - Sviluppo ed applicazione di nuove tecnologie robotiche per la diagnosi bioptica del tumore prostatico’ finanziato dalla Regione Campania (POR CAMPANIA FESR 2014/2020), consists in a miniaturized probe, based on optical fiber technology and integrated inside a medical needle, capable of measuring the elastic consistency of biological tissues with high spatial resolution (the fiber sensor in fact has a diameter of less than a millimetre), for the diagnosis of prostate cancer.