Maker Faire Yearbook 2023


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Found 577 Results

Microwave Amateur Radio

Faire: Syracuse

Maker: Frederick Relyea

Home: New York, United States

In the Internet age, Amateur Radio remains an exciting activity with many recent advancements in technology. Demonstrating analog and digital communications using portable Microwave Radios, we aim to get people excited to pursue this fun hobby!

Precious Plastic MHC

Faire: Pioneer Valley

Maker: Precious Plastic MHC

Home: Massachusetts, United States

Precious Plastic MHC is a student-led organization at Mount Holyoke College with the goal of creating a closed-loop sustainable way of recycling plastic within the Mount Holyoke campus. Given that we see so much plastic waste coming out of the dining hall, we collaborate with the Dining Commons and other parts of the campus to collect plastic trash through which we aim to create products within the maker space. We use a machine called the injection machine to melt plastic and create small-scale products that can be used by students on campus.

Diseño 3D para prototipos electrónicos

Faire: CDMX (Mexico City)

Maker: Willson Jefferson Alexander Navarro Rodríguez

Home: Guatemala, Guatemala

Taller de encapsulados para prototipos electrónicos con ayuda del diseño 3D, no es necesarios contar con experiencia previa de diseño 3D.

Cardboard Robotics and Physical Computing with the micro:bit

Faire: Bay Area

Maker: Diego Fonstad

Home: California, United States

The micro:bit is a low cost entry into physical computing and making engaging and interesting robots does not always require an expensive kit. This workshop will show some simple tips and tricks for using recycled and low cost materials to build robotics projects. Borrowing ideas from the Robot Petting Zoo and projects by Cecilia Hillway (lip synching robots) and Natasha Dzurny (cardboard guitar) and others you will develop a toolkit for building low cost and engaging projects. This workshop is targeted to educators interested in providing open-ended physical computing projects to their students but can be valuable for home DIYers as well.

LEGO hoogbouwmagazijn

Faire: Delft

Maker: Jozua van Ravenhorst

Home: West Vlaanderen, België

Volledig geautomatiseerd logistiek center gemaakt met LEGO Mindstorms. Bestaande uit een hoogbouwmagazijn met 60 opslaglocaties waar een kraan met telescopisch vorkenbord tussen loopt. In- en uitvoer transportbanden die naar de 6-assige robot lopen.

Desarrollo de Robótica Educativa fomentando el estudio de carreras STEM en países subdesarrollados

Faire: CDMX (Mexico City)

Maker: Pablo Alejandro Torres Rizzo

Home: Guatemala, Guatemala

Cómo diseñar, manufacturar, ensamblar y crear tecnología con herramientas modernas y de bajo acceso para convertir una idea en un proyecto de robótica funcional y de alto impacto. La historia de Proyecto Balam y sus impactos en la juventud

Global Distributed Tracking (GDT)

Faire: Bay Area

Maker: Global Open Source Quality Assurance System (GOSQAS)

Home: California, United States

GDT is a free software implemented as a website ( that any Maker can use to get a unique QR Sticker (and URL) for their product. By just pointing a phone at the sticker, people enjoying your project can upload an image or some words to tell you how much they love your project. This creates a fully encrypted, indelibly timestamped “provenance.” Only people who handle your project can see this provenance—not even us, and not even you, if you lose the URL! Although designed for global tracking of medical devices, we think Makers will love collecting anonymous feedback that stays with the project—even if it is gifted, sold, or shared in some other way. Our plan is to print sheets of stickers and give them away for free to Makers to make it super-easy!

Blackhawk STEAM

Faire: Milwaukee

Maker: Cheryl Knox

Home: Wisconsin, United States

Blackhawk STEAM will be an exhibit where students get to see pre-programmed Lego robots navigate the masterpiece competition board for the 2023-2024 competition season. All 13 stations of the board will be on display.

UAVs@Berkeley AUVSI SUAS 2023/2024 Competition Drone

Faire: Bay Area

Maker: UAVs@Berkeley

Home: California, United States

These past two years, we have put our main focus on developing a heavy-lift long range multirotor drone for the AUVSI SUAS competition. Our drone was developed with autonomous navigation and payload delivery capabilities, centering around cutting-edge computer vision algorithms and custom carbon fiber frame components. We also have a first-person view subteam that flies and drives vehicles while viewing a live video feed from onboard cameras. Awesome!

CNC Fabrication for Robotics

Faire: Milwaukee

Maker: GEarheads FTC Robotics Team

Home: Wisconsin, United States

The GEarheads are an FTC robotics team that is focused on building technical skills for design and fabrication, we will highlight three CNC router platforms we have constructed and allow attendees to design and make their own project on a CNC router.

Kármán Sequence ER-01

Faire: Delft

Maker: Weilun Qin

Home: Holland, Netherlands

The Kármán line is a boundary 62 miles above mean sea level that borders Earth's atmosphere and the beginning of space, and the Kármán Sequence is the pursuit of unity between space science and graphic design initiated by Shanghai-based graphic designer Scene Peng and Delft-based aerospace engineer Weilun Qin. In harmony with nature and future, it outputs scientific thinkings and design logic through various forms and discussions. In this metallic Kármán Sequence ER-01, you will be introduced with a proposal of the satellite constellation in the Sun-synchronous orbit to extract solar power from space 24/7. We invite you to look up for the further space-borne possibilities to gather more solar energy and don't forget looking down on the ground to protect your eyes from possible energy laser transmitted from our satellite constellation.

Bethpage Robotics (Regal Eagles Team #2869)

Faire: Long Island

Maker: Bethpage HS: Regal Eagle Robotics

Home: New York, United States

We are the Regal Eagles FRC Team #2869 from Bethpage High School! Have you ever driven a robot before? Well, here's your chance! Step right up to drive our 2023 robot that competed at the FRC World Championships!

Vision Plastics, Inc.

Faire: Elkhorn

Maker: Vision Plastics, Inc.

Home: Wisconsin, United States

Vision Plastics, Inc. is a family owned custom injection molder located in Southeastern Wisconsin. We're looking forward to sharing our knowledge on plastic injection molding and the apprenticeships we offer!

Calidad de aire en interiores con ESP32

Faire: CDMX (Mexico City)

Maker: Angel Isidro

Home: Guatemala, Guatemala

En este taller aprenderás como programar el sensor BME680 para calidad de aire en interiores y publicación de datos en la plataforma Adafruit IO. Utilizaras una de las tarjetas desarrolladas por el laboratorio de Investigación y Desarrollo Tesla Lab.

UW-Milwaukee EnQuest

Faire: Milwaukee

Maker: UW-Milwaukee

Home: Wisconsin, United States

This summer, two groups of girls came to UW-Milwaukee's campus to participate in real-world projects. Stop by to see the portable renewable power stations they built for people in Guatemala and the research they did in the Biomedical Engineering lab!

One Man Robot Band

Faire: Trieste

Maker: NULL

Home: Veneto, Italy

E’ un orchestra di musica meccanica formata da alcuni simpatici robot percussionisti, guidati dal loro folle inventore. Il meccanismo è formato da un sistema a leva, azionato da solenoidi e gestito attraverso una scheda MIDI. Il nuovo spettacolo che porterò a Trieste lo sto costruendo appositamente per questo evento, con un nuovo impianto luci, nuove canzoni, un nuovo robot mescolato a giocoleria, mimica, drum circle, musica, abbracci e fastidi! Vi aspetto!!

FIRST Robotics Competition: Team 2783 Engineers of Tomorrow

Faire: Louisville

Maker: Engineers of Tomorrow

Home: United States

The Engineers of Tomorrow (Team 2783) is a team of high schoolers based in Oldham County, KY that competed annually in the FIRST Robotics Competition.

USC Makers

Faire: Los Angeles

Maker: USC Makers

Home: California, United States

We are USC Makers, the premier hardware innovation club at the University of Southern California! We are at Maker Faire to present some of our creative, engineering-based projects that our members have worked hard on this year.

Wayaks Team UNAM

Faire: CDMX (Mexico City)

Maker: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Mèxico

Home: CDMX, Mexico

Wayaks Team UNAM Equipo de Robótica con 10 años de Trayectoria, Fundada en la FES Aragón por estudiantes de Ingeniería Mecánica y por el Dr. José Antonio Souza Jiménez, además por el Profesor Neftalí Elorza Lòpez el cual actualmente es el director.

Magic Coffee Table

Faire: Delft

Maker: Makerspace Delft

Home: west-vlaanderen, Belgium

Magic Coffee Table. This coffee table is a touch sensitive table that has optical fibers hidden in the tabletop. Touch it to see the magic!

Hamster Time Snow Cones

Faire: Miami

Maker: Mike Sweeney

Home: Florida, United States

Come walk on an 8' tall Hamster Wheel to make a SNOWCONE!

Sebastopol Makers

Faire: Bay Area

Maker: Sebastopol Makers

Home: California, United States

We have about 100 projects posted by our members to Printables, Thingiverse and Flickr. Steamboat Ed Haas designs 3D printed benchtop power tools for Makers that are powered by wall warts and small DC motors. He's currently working on an R/C rowboat that he hopes to release in time for Christmas. Mark H is working on electric motors that can fabricated from common hardware store items. Kris Magri, (who designed the Makey robot) is our robotics expert and she will be demoing her scratch built walkers. Steve 'Dillo' Okay will be demoing his highly modified 'Sawppy Rover' with enhanced radar and custom software. We'll also have our MIDI glockenspiel playing a few tunes

Mowrator Robot Lawn mower

Faire: Coney Island

Maker: MowRator Smart RC Lawn Mowers

Home: Tennessee, United States

MowRator is made for makers by makers! We used all our hobby knowledge and passion for DIY to produce our smart RC Lawn mower. We would love to show you how easy it is to use, we will be launching our Kickstarter soon for the holidays.

BESE-elements (biodegradable ecosystem restoration elements)

Faire: Delft

Maker: BESE

Home: Gelderland, Nederland

BESE-elements is het vlagschip product van BESE. BESE maakt biobased en biologisch afbreekbare producten voor natuurherstel. Deze producten zijn gemaakt van reststromen, zoals de BESE-elements die gemaakt is van zetmeel uit de patat industrie.