Maker Faire Yearbook 2023


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Found 941 Results

Monorail 3D Printer

Faire: Los Angeles

Maker: Joshua Brown

Home: California, United States

A look at a unique 3D printer concept that has been around in the RepRap community for a while now; an entire 3D printer mounted to a single frame bar, known as the Monorail.


Faire: Rome

Maker: Bruno Luziatelli


From the Pick&Place to the finished board (the #ESPy32). Project that involves the presentation of all phases from the design of the diagram, to the definition of the PCB, by means of CAD, to the creation of the circuit, to the assembly of the SMD components, through the specially created Pick&Place, up to the passage in the oven at controlled temperature for welding and finally testing. Both for educational purposes and for Maker projects. The project could be presented in technical schools. The project of some makers of Officine Robotiche, in the framework of AssoInnovazione.

Mobo Gobbler

Faire: NW Arkansas

Maker: Blake Boeckmann

Home: Arkansas, United States

The Mobo Gobbler is a fully remote control turkey decoy. It revolutionized traditional stationary decoys. Mobo Gobbler’s goal is to continue to bring innovative technology to the hunting industry and raise awareness to wildlife conservation.

Children’s Author/Illustrator Michelle Nelson-Schmidt

Faire: Pensacola

Maker: Michelle Nelson-Schmidt

Home: Florida, United States

Hear and read inspiring books written and illustrated by Michelle Nelson-Schmidt author of 33 books for children and adults.

Seal Team Survival Swim and PT

Faire: Long Island

Maker: NULL

Home: New York, United States

I am Kristine McCarren of Seal Team Survival Swim + PT, and author of “Violet Finds Her Float.” I teach children survival swim skills and provide community education on drowning prevention. I’m here to help families keep their kids safe in the water.

History Box

Faire: Rome

Maker: Jacopo De Benedictis


History Box is an interactive multimedia project created to enhance and facilitate the usability of archival documents. Inspired by the microfilm reader, the installation brings together some historical materials on the life of Giuseppe Di Vagno, a Socialist Party parliamentarian who was the victim of a fascist assassination attempt in 1921. Through a physical interface consisting of knobs, sliders and a handset, the user can consult the archival materials in an unconventional way. Features such as audio-reading and document enlargement are designed to ensure greater accessibility.


Faire: Sarajevo

Maker: Jelena Landratoški

Home: Srbija, Serbia

TOM:Belgrade je neprofitno udruženje mejkera iz Beograda sa fokusom na razvoj inovativnih i pristupačnih pomagala za osobe sa invaliditetom, edukaciju i inkluziju kroz rad sa lokalnim zajednicama.

Sociedad Astronómica de México

Faire: CDMX (Mexico City)

Maker: Rubén Becerril

Home: Benito Juárez, Mexico

La Sociedad Astronómica de México es la segunda más antigua del mundo que se dedica a la difusión del conocimiento astronómico. En el stand daremos información de las actividades que desarrollamos y de los cursos que organizamos. Funciones de planeta

Young Engineers

Faire: Sarajevo


Home: Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Mi smo školica koja afirmira STEM i inženjerske vještine kod djece, koristeći zabavne, zanimljive i praktične metode učenja.Naša misija je da djecu od 4 do 15 godina na najbolji način pripremimo za vještine koje zahtjeva radno okruženje 21. vijeka.

Space Hunters

Faire: Rome

Maker: Eugenio Costa


To this day, children are increasingly inclined to play in the virtual world. We want to bring back the backyard games belonging to the last generation, such as treasure hunting, through a product that belongs to the virtual imagination: controllers set in space. The game consists of two controllers: one in the hands of the commander and one in the hands of the seeker. The commander will have to hide the three aliens, located in the seeker's controller, and then click the arrows on his controller, to give directions to the seeker. Once the directions are sent, they will be immediately received by the seeker, who will follow the arrows to find the aliens and collect them in his controller.

Scratch Day-Yo cuido mi hogar:La Tierra

Faire: CDMX (Mexico City)

Maker: Edukreativos

Home: México, Mexico

Ven y participa con toda tu familia en los talleres del grupo Edukreativos, donde podrás crear, imaginar, proyectos colaborativos en un ambiente divertido y lleno de retos sencillos a resolver, como un activista en el cuidado del planeta Tierra.

BLE para todos!

Faire: CDMX (Mexico City)

Maker: Gustavo Salvador Reynaga Aguilar

Home: Sinaloa, Mexico

Crear una solución (Arduino) y App Móvil (AppInventor) usando el protocolo BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy), para controlar operar un grupo de leds RGB (WS2812B).

Material Interactions: Data-Driven Community Quilting

Faire: Coney Island

Maker: Rachel Ivy Clarke

Home: New York, United States

Come make interactive data-driven quilts! Learn basic quilting, select fabrics, colors and shapes to represent data like direction and distance traveled, and sew them together to make a unique collaborative quilt that represents the event.

Greatest Dot-to-Dot Books

Faire: Hudson Valley

Maker: David Kalvitis

Home: New York, United States

David Kalvitis, a lifelong puzzle and game fan, opened Monkeying Around in 2000, with the goal of creating the most fun, challenging and artistic Dot-to-Dot Books ever. In 23 years he has published 20 books and sold over a million copies worldwide.

Craft Arts – Wooden Boatbuilding

Faire: Milwaukee

Maker: All Hands Boatworks Crew

Home: Wisconsin, United States

Meet the crew from Milwaukee's All Hands Boatworks. Learn about their hands-on, custom-tailored projects for schools, home-schooled groups, summer camps, and adult workshops, and see the construction of an ultra-light skin-on-frame canoe.


Faire: Long Island

Maker: MaryJo Allegra

Home: New York, United States

Visit FACEYOURSELF, the programmable portrait making machine and receive an imaginative portrait unlike any other. Take home empowering stickers, posters and buttons that celebrate risk taking and encourage a growth mindset.


Faire: Wichita

Maker: Amanda Pfister

Home: United States

​CityArts is an art center and art gallery that offers people of all ages and cultural backgrounds in our community the opportunity to participate in diverse art programming, education, information and artistic opportunities year round.

Forging On with the West Baton Rouge Museum

Faire: Baton Rouge

Maker: Ben Deshotels

Home: Louisiana, United States

The West Baton Rouge Museum is home to a thriving Blacksmith Apprenticeship program. Demonstrations of this historic craft and the skills YOU could learn will be going on all day. Strike while the iron is hot and sign up today!

Environerd Studios

Faire: Orange County

Maker: Katie Pelon

Home: California, United States

Katie Pelon of Environerd Studios authors and illustrates educational children's books that teach about wildlife conservation. Learn how to draw in a nature journal at our booth!

Robotics Interdisciplinary Organization of Teams (RIOT)

Faire: NW Arkansas

Maker: RIOT (Robotics Interdisciplinary Organization of Teams)

Home: Arkansas, United States

RIOT is a robotics student organization turning into a nonprofit whose goal is to turn NWA into the mechatronics hub of the nation. We don't just build robots, we build roboticists by bringing people zero to hero with bots.

Princesses with Powertools: Learn to Hand Drill

Faire: Miami

Maker: Reinvented Magazine

Home: Florida, United States

Perfect for kids (and kids at heart)! Learn to use your first powertool from our amazing women engineers dressed as princesses, and find out why #brilliantisbeautiful! You’ll leave with a customized constellation projector you made yourself!

Saddleback Valley Unified School District STEAM Academy

Faire: Orange County

Maker: SVUSD STEAM Academy

Home: California, United States

Saddleback Valley Unified School District STEAM Academy and CTE programs

Ja raSTEM – svijet STEM genijalaca

Faire: Sarajevo

Maker: STEM akademija

Home: TK, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Program STEM akademije usmjeren je na razvoj logičkog razmišljanja, kreativnosti, kolaboracijskih, komunikacijskih i prezentacijskih vještina kroz edukaciju u područjima programiranja, robotike, inženjerstva, elektronike, logike i dizajna, .....

FIRST Robotics Demo

Faire: Milwaukee

Maker: Laser Robotics

Home: Wisconsin, United States

FIRST® (For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology) will be hosting a Robotics Demo to showcase robotics programs for K-12 students. These are exciting mentor-based programs that build science, technology, math & engineering skills