Maker Faire Yearbook 2023
FTC Team #15901 Aztec.exe
Faire: Orange County
Maker: Aztec.exe
Home: California, United States
Faire: Zagreb
Maker: Croatian Robotic Association
Home: Grad Zagreb, Croatia
Venetian Glass Lampworking by Sonoma County Artisan, Michael Dickinson
Faire: Bay Area
Maker: Michael Dickinson
Home: California, United States
Climate’s Heart Metaphor: The Ocean as the Climate’s Cardiorespiratory System
Faire: Trieste
Maker: René Gabriel Navarro Labastida
Home: Trieste, Italy
SimpleFOC Robotics
Faire: Bay Area
Maker: SimpleFOCproject
Home: California, United States
Old game New game
Faire: Rome
Maker: Liceo Scientifico Alessandro Volta di Foggia
Faire: Bay Area
Maker: MARS Team
Home: California, United States
Central High School Innovation Magnet
Faire: Louisville
Maker: Louisville Central High School
Home: United States
Victors Pictures
Faire: Miami
Maker: Victor del Corro
Home: Florida, United States
Tesla Knight!
Faire: Elkhorn
Maker: Samuel Catania
Home: Wisconsin, United States
Wisconsin Army National Guard
Faire: Elkhorn
Maker: SGT Jon Farness of the Wisconsin Army National Guard
Home: Wisconsin, United States
Open Hardware workshop: Paper craft meets Internet of Things
Faire: Delft
Maker: Delft Open Hardware
Home: Zuid holland, Nederland
Makers Making Change
Faire: Calgary
Maker: Shanelle Waiting
Home: Alberta, Canada
Arts & Business Council of Miami
Faire: Miami
Maker: Arts & Business Council of Miami
Home: Florida, United States
Ritmes maken met muziek en techniek
Faire: Eindhoven
Maker: Jorg Duitsman
Home: Nederland
Coney Island Pop Up Paper Engineering Workshop
Faire: Coney Island
Maker: Erin Mathewson
Home: New York, United States
Girl Scouts of Virginia Skyline Council
Faire: Lynchburg
Maker: Katey Markiewicz
Home: Virginia, United States
Wilkerson’s Creative Wildcats
Faire: Louisville
Maker: Wilkerson Creative Wildcats
Home: United States
PlanetART: Nurturing Sustainability Through Art and Education
Faire: Rome
Maker: GenB and BlueMissionMed
Lionfish Huntress
Faire: Palm Beach
Maker: Christine Raininger
Home: Florida, United States
Basic Makerspace Tools
Faire: Bay Area
Maker: CADclass
Home: United States
Simply Shelter and the microShelter
Faire: Bay Area
Maker: The Simply Shelter Team
Home: California, United States
Projetos educativos maker – do it with others
Faire: Lisbon
Maker: Centro Ciência Viva de Lagos
Home: Lagos, Portugal